Virgo Weekly: Sept 25 – Oct 01, 2011

On September 25, 2011, in Virgo, by David Shepard

Sunday September 25, 2011
Today have faith in cyclic renewal.  The outer world may seem a little bleak, but your trust in Virgo healing energies creates abundance, beauty and happiness within, overcoming the cold barrenness of your situation.  Get out and about today because your confidence is magnetic.  Your fun, witty nature is a crowd pleaser and attracts fascinating contacts—maybe even a wish-fulfiller.  So, ask for what you want; enjoy the response.


Monday September 26, 2011
Compassion is the love that links all humanity.   Pure altruism and service to the greater, social Whole is what drives Virgo, and today you know how to best reach out and temper your will power with spiritual love. By paying attention to your sixth sense you zero in on goals with great sensitivity and understanding.  A show of confidence and optimism will make you stand out to VIPs—even in a crowd.  You’ll be feeling more in control now; its your higher love bringing you back to life!


Tuesday September 27, 2011     New Moon in Libra
You’re getting stronger and more focused mentally. Don’t be stubborn or detached; make the effort to reach out—calls, talks, etc.   Look for ways to stimulate, support and sharpen your thought processes.   Today, as you stay open and curious, you’re like the Prince of Serendip, encountering one lucky event after another.  This good fortune follows you into fiscal, family and personal matters.  Heeding a hunch marks a new endeavor for success.)


Wednesday September 28, 2011
You’ve been bottled up in terms of taking direct action and seizing hold of what you most desire.  Society and the world of other egos have much to offer; it’s time to participate 100%―and use the culture as your creative palette.  In today’s unpredictable social, financial or political climate you’re the soul of practicality.  You recognize true value when you see it now—likewise others will be picking up on your true worth.  This evening, your mercurial playfulness will be the key to success in handling an amor.


Thursday September 29, 2011
Virgos are noted for “serving humanity”; your efforts are legendary for discovering or creating the most efficient and helpful ways that an individual can be integrated into a social/business pattern.    Today, your trouble-shooting works minor miracles:  via safe action$ and caution with pacts you keep plans on a success track progressing forward.  And, because you’re not too proud to play second fiddle, relations stay harmonious, too, and even flower.  This evening, think twice, thrice before making a costly purchase.


Friday September 30, 2011
There’s a real value to staying in close contact with natural energies and simple pleasures; they balance out our ego-driven ambitions so we don’t attempt more than we’re ready to achieve.   Today, as you turn toward simpler joys for revitalization your persuasive powers and “simple” belief in a long-range plan inspire a positive breakthrough.  Health and beauty buys lift your spirits and suit your budget.  Getting work out of the way before you play is valuable.  Coming to the rescue of a loved one with special assistance or treat$ brings you a reward.


Saturday October 1, 2011
Over the past few weeks you’ve shown a willingness to accept crises and to go through them—and therefore great character.  This is the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness develops.   Be patient the benefits will soon arrive as validation of a new course of action.   A short trip, communing with nature or dining with a work pal or relative is uplifting.  It’s also a lucky day to shop—you’ll find great deal$.  A discussion, e-mail or news verifies your thinking is on-target.


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