Sunday September 25, 2011
The conquering drives of your mind are a formidable power. On what obstacles are you focused? Outer nature? Or the instinctive survival fears of the ego. Today, work on extending your base— begin by going beyond what limits you, from within. This is a day to audition for stardom. You radiate an aura of success, charisma and potential now. Your leadership helps to overcome a misunderstanding or delay. Carefully examine all documents to prevent mix-ups or communication glitches.
Monday September 26, 2011
Today, as you take time to reflect and probe for answers to a crucial question, your ego becomes both more grounded and more expansive, and your true Self comes forward. Another’s intentions may be veiled. Getting an open dialogue going allows you to pull back the curtains and sheds light on the truth. Good news signals a trip or plan is on. Your kind words and sensitivity convince a troubled partner that all is well.
Tuesday September 27, 2011 New Moon in Libra
Once one becomes relatively “separate” from the past; one can truly face the future, experience the power of beginnings, and rise to the occasion of new opportunities. By revealing your innermost feelings, you get a positive response you did not expect. Today, don’t back down when confronted with the unfamiliar; you’re racing to get plans moving and don’t have time to figure it all out, somehow everything falls into place. You communicate brilliantly and learn quickly, which helps you succeed. A love or money risk you undertake has potential.
Wednesday September 28, 2011
What’s needed is a total liquidation of the past: virgin minds for virgin fields. Over the past few weeks you’ve been put in the role of the pioneer opening up new lands. But your pioneer’s mind is still filled with ghosts, preconceptions, and expectations. Today, you need to get serious and free yourself by exorcising all the “lingering demons,” or else you’re apt to rush around in circles and get very little accomplished. By adhering to a no-nonsense plan of action and a clear set of priorities, you’ll make every move, and dollar, count, in spite of the odds.
Thursday September 29, 2011
Having recently experienced the higher realms of super-personal inspiration, you, your self have become a source of inspiration. Today, your role is to mobilize emotions, to present to others an image of what it’s like to experience more intensely and to see farther. This is the role of the true and ideal “virtuoso.” Doors open that allow access to funds, family resources or valuable favors. But if you come on overly strong today, you may become your own worst enemy in getting the kind of treatment you desire. Be the “virtuoso”, not the “prima donna”.
Friday September 30, 2011
The Aquarian Age is about humanity bridging physical space and social distinction—developing new forms of relating and communicating. In the not-so-distant future we’ll be moving from wireless to a telepathic way of sharing. Listen to your ESP today; it’s revealing to you and “us” what’s to come. Your swift approach and straightforward requests deliver the “goods” you desire. A public arena teems with opportunities to brainstorm or make valuable contacts. Eat right and exercise to prevent burnout.
Saturday October 1, 2011
By being around like-minded people today, you clarify your vision. Transcendent experiences need to be tested and validated via communication. One of the greatest discoveries of modern philosophy is the interdependency of perception and communication. Feedback you hear from relatives—over the phone or via e-mail—helps you get plans off the drawing board and on to the launch pad. A special get-together at home is enhanced by a stroke of good fortune.