Sunday May 29, 2011
Compassion is the love that links all humanity. Meaningful participation in “change” and service to the greater, social Whole is what drives Taurus and today you know how to best reach out and temper others’ will power with spiritual love. Now your fresh ideas and strong opinions make a powerful impact on others. You voice a cherished wish, and practical plans for its fulfillment are born. This evening, a foreign or far-off source offers vital insights.
Monday May 30, 2011 Memorial Day
You’re getting stronger and more focused mentally. Don’t be stubborn or detached; make the effort to reach out—calls, talks, etc. Look for ways to stimulate, support and sharpen your thought processes. You are irresistible now. Say or send the word and others rally to your cause, encouraged by your confidence. At this evening’s event, a friendship turns into something stronger, or a group fully embraces you.
Tuesday May 31, 2011
You’ve been bottled up in terms of taking direct action and seizing hold of what you most desire. Society and the world of other egos have much to offer; it’s time to participate 100%―and use the culture as your creative palette. Your upbeat outlook and way with words attract admirers wherever you go. But, be wary of others who may try to steer you into $-folly or don’t share your values. A call, e-mail or Web search nets good news.
Wednesday June 1, 2011 New Moon (Gem) Solar Eclipse
Taurus is noted for “passionate relationships”; your efforts are legendary for exploring the inner depths of Love and connectedness in which two individuals become transformed and reborn by their Soul-revealing intensity. It’s your lucky day! And, your good fortune soars as you go out on a limb and take a chance on love or a new idea. Your in-person appeal sways a decision-maker to say “Yes.” You have a Mida$ touch now.
Thursday June 2, 2011
There’s a real value to staying in close contact with natural energies and simple pleasures; they balance out our ego-driven ambitions so we don’t attempt more than we’re ready to achieve. A group dynamic may be turbulent now. Focusing on your personal objectives is key to a productive day. You $ave by delaying unnecessary buys till later. This evening, a new admirer succumbs to your dream.
Friday June 3, 2011
Over the past few weeks you’ve shown a willingness to accept crises and to go through them—and therefore demonstrated great character. This is the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness develops. Misunderstandings, scheduling mix-ups or news can put a damper on your plans. Be out in the open in what you say and do, lest you become the target of gossip. You make the right choices by being cautious.
Saturday June 4, 2011
In this time of crisis past knowledge is inadequate. From the Zen point of view the mind facing trouble should not depend on past concepts but should repeat: “Not this Not that!”—until the pure Void is reached. Now your on-target instincts spot hidden opportunities$ and bargains. A lucky deal made behind closed doors delights. And, a secret conversation or local trip uncovers good news—adding zest to your day.