Aries Weekly: May 29 – June 4, 2011

On May 29, 2011, in Aries, by David Shepard

Sunday May 29, 2011
Today, as you take time to reflect and probe for answers to a crucial question, your ego becomes both more grounded and more expansive, and your true Self comes forward. Private discussions reveal hidden benefits of a promising career change or $-venture. As you share your insights this evening with those on your VIP list, they should be eager to help you get ahead.

Monday May 30, 2011 Memorial Day
Once one becomes relatively “separate” from the past; one can truly face the future, experience the power of beginnings, and rise to the occasion of new opportunities. By revealing your innermost feelings, you get a positive response you did not expect. It’s not just your competence that wows others now, but your kindness too. Gains appear unexpectedly in a flash of ESP or mysterious way. A private meeting with a VIP could let loose a wave of benefit$.

Tuesday May 31, 2011
What’s needed is a total liquidation of the past: virgin minds for virgin fields. Over the past few weeks you’ve been put in the role of the pioneer opening up new lands. But your pioneer’s mind is still filled with ghosts, preconceptions, and expectations. Today, a scheduling delay or communication snag is likely to occur. You calm any turmoil with poise, not pressure. A home buy pleases. And, your abundant talents set the wheels of a new project in motion.

Wednesday June 1, 2011 New Moon (Gem) Solar Eclipse
Today, your role is to mobilize emotions, to present to others an image of what it’s like to experience more intensely and to see farther. This is the role of the true and ideal “virtuoso.” Lucky news that comes down the pike is power in your hands. Your imaginative ideas shine brightly while communicating, forming pacts or winning over a rival. Your fan base grows as you step out.

Thursday June 2, 2011
The Aquarian Age is about humanity bridging physical space and social distinction—developing new forms of relating and communicating. In the not-so-distant future we’ll be moving from wireless to a telepathic way of sharing. Listen to your ESP today and share with others your insight; it’s revealing to you and “us” what’s to come. Your risky idea just might be future bonanza; study its merits. Showing your serious side spurs others to follow your lead. It’s a superb evening for shopping—deals go your way.

Friday June 3, 2011
By being around like-minded people today, you clarify your vision. Transcendent experiences need to be tested and validated via communication. One of the greatest discoveries of modern philosophy is the interdependency of perception and communication. Exaggeration is in the air; trust only half of what you hear. Being a straight-shooter from both the heart and head keeps relations stable and your image bright. The spotlight might be uncomfortable today.

Saturday June 4, 2011
What you’ve recently “discovered” needs to be discussed, tested through an intellectual exchange, and then “exteriorized.” This implies the act of dealing with those who are still unaware of the new knowledge or realization, and requires your emotional dramatization of the issues at stake. Your calls, visits or welcoming others into your home scores you points. A family talk or outing yields encouraging news results. Spending upbeat e-mails or letters helps get people behind your pet project.


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