Sunday January 30, 2011
Difficulty at the beginning; but hang in there. The first two days of this week are the most challenging. A real pulse is that both days have a similar theme to them, so if you’re awake to what’s going on below the surface on Sunday, you’ll have a good idea of how best to meet and defeat the challenges that pop up on Monday.
Compassion is the love that links all humanity. Meaningful participation in “change” and service to the greater, social Whole is what drives Capricorn and today you know how to best reach out and temper others’ will power with spiritual love. Staying home or following the usual routine could dampen your enthusiasm now. Don’t let self-doubts deter a project’s progress; your talents can make it fly. Your $avvy land you a long-sought purchase.
Monday January 31, 2011
You’re getting stronger and more focused mentally. Don’t be stubborn or detached; make the effort to reach out—calls, talks, etc. Look for ways to stimulate, support and sharpen your thought processes. It’s crucial to delicately deal with a parental figure or older person today. Spending or discussing money is apt to trigger fears or a wishy-washy response. Your steadiness soothes & speaks louder than words.
Tuesday February 1, 2011
Holy Ground Hog Day! This is one of my most favorite holidays of the year. See if you can feel our collective energy begin to stir. Today, your creative/ romantic imagination is being triggered; have a heart-to-heart with your Muse, and the inspiration you’re seeking will surely follow. But remember, in dealing with the Muse it’s very important to be clear in what you’re asking for: Do you want to actively advance the experience of Beauty in the world around you right now? Or, do you want to have an elaborate, pleasant daydream that you’ll strive to realize sometime in the distant future? The areas in which your Muse is most tuned in now are with respect to financial matters, priorities, and Beauty, both inner and outer.
You’ve been bottled up in terms of taking direct action and seizing hold of what you most desire. Society and the world of other egos have much to offer; it’s time to participate 100%―and use the culture as your creative palette. You’re a pillar of strength now; nothing is out of your reach once you set your mind to it. There is gold in the moneymaking ideas you are concocting; acting on your innate talents adds luck to your forecast.
Wednesday February 2, 2011
Today, is the New Moon—it’s the official beginning of your month’s work. This morning, be sure to focus on what’s new and exciting. Mercury and Uranus are sextile (60 degrees apart, which is good) —great for the opening and expanding of new communication lines. This afternoon it may be necessary to air some hurt feelings; if you and another have the emotional courage to search for the truth together, you’re in for a surprise ending, much better than either of you expected.
Capricorns are noted for attending to humanity’s practical as well as spiritual needs; your efforts are legendary for discovering or creating the most efficient and helpful ways that an individual can be integrated into a social/business pattern. Your confidence in yourself and your ideas attract support. Thoughts you put in writing may become a lucky $trategy or map to a cherished goal. Out shopping, you do not have to seek bargains—they find you.
Thursday February 3, 2011
The next three days are cosmically designed to “get your motor running.” No more January blues. Did you feel them? They’re kind of like Monday morning blues, except stretched out.
There’s a real value to staying in close contact with natural energies and simple pleasures; they balance out our ego-driven ambitions so we don’t attempt more than we’re ready to achieve. Higher-ups at work or business ventures suddenly line your pockets. You net inspiring ideas for career growth by meeting and greeting VIPs. This evening’s conversation or e-correspondence elates until late.
Friday February 4, 2011
Today’s Sun-Mars conjunction should produce an energy equivalent of downing a couple of Red Bulls. Whoa! Steady, girl. If you manage to stay focused, you’ll fly like the wind.
Over the past few weeks you’ve shown a willingness to accept crises and to go through them—and therefore great character. This is the soil upon which a higher kind of consciousness develops. Your sharp, analytical mind spots profit$, and outside input gives you the confidence and the driving desire to tackle a personal dilemma and succeed. You find a great bargain via an ad or while running errands. A relative’s call lifts your spirits.
Saturday February 5, 2011
With the Sun trine Saturn and Mercury sextile Jupiter, my advice is to be spontaneous; you can’t help but beautifully express your inner authenticity.
In this time of crisis past knowledge is inadequate. From the Zen point of view the mind facing trouble should not depend on past concepts but should repeat: “Not this Not that!”—until the pure Void or absolute truth is reached. Today, your solid proposal for a joint undertaking inspires a key authority figure. Home and power circles are where you’re in your element today and strengthen connection. Displaying your talents pays off.