Sunday January 30, 2011
Difficulty at the beginning; but hang in there. The first two days of this week are the most challenging. A real pulse is that both days have a similar theme to them, so if you’re awake to what’s going on below the surface on Sunday, you’ll have a good idea of how best to meet and defeat the challenges that pop up on Monday.
Today, as you take time to reflect and probe for answers to a crucial question, your ego becomes both more grounded and more expansive, and your true Self comes forward. Nothing is certain in romance, chance and spending now. If plans suddenly shift, it’s probably best. Talking things through ends a clash of values. Delightful news or an unexpected call this evening gives you cause to celebrate.
Monday January 31, 2011
Once one becomes relatively “separate” from the past; one can truly face the future, experience the power of beginnings, and rise to the occasion of new opportunities. By sticking to your values, you get rethink their position and possibly open doors for you. Today’s news from afar may trigger sudden twists and turns with regard to previous plans. Your sharp attention to details sparks correct decisions and insightful solutions, saving time, precious re$ources—even rescuing a dream.
Tuesday February 1, 2011
Holy Ground Hog Day! This is one of my most favorite holidays of the year. See if you can feel our collective energy begin to stir. Today, your creative/ romantic imagination is being triggered; have a heart-to-heart with your Muse, and the inspiration you’re seeking will surely follow. But remember, in dealing with the Muse it’s very important to be clear in what you’re asking for: Do you want to actively advance the experience of Beauty in the world around you right now? Or, do you want to have an elaborate, pleasant daydream that you’ll strive to realize sometime in the distant future? The areas in which your Muse is most tuned in now are with regard to bold initiatives, communications and travel arrangements.
What’s needed is a total liquidation of the past: virgin minds for virgin fields. Over the past few weeks you’ve been put in the role of the pioneer opening up new lands. But your pioneer’s mind is still filled with ghosts, preconceptions, and expectations. Your confidence in yourself and your ideas attract support. Thoughts you put in writing may become a lucky $trategy or map to a cherished goal. Out shopping, you do not have to seek bargains—they find you.
Wednesday February 2, 2011
Today, is the New Moon—it’s the official beginning of your month’s work. This morning, be sure to focus on what’s new and exciting. Mercury and Uranus are sextile (60 degrees apart, which is good) —great for the opening and expanding of new communication lines. This afternoon it may be necessary to air some hurt feelings; if you and another have the emotional courage to search for the truth together, you’re in for a surprise ending, much better than either of you expected.
Today, your role is to mobilize emotions, to present to others an image of what it’s like to experience more intensely and to see farther. This is the role of the true and ideal “virtuoso.”
Communication lines buzz with lucky info. Your talk with a family member offers surprising rewards. A transaction or fiscal plan is apt to yield a sudden windfall so could a visit or call you didn’t expect.
Thursday February 3, 2011
The next three days are cosmically designed to “get your motor running.” No more January blues. Did you feel them? They’re kind of like Monday morning blues, except stretched out.
The Aquarian Age is about humanity bridging physical space and social distinction—developing new forms of relating and communicating. In the not-so-distant future we’ll be moving from wireless to a telepathic way of sharing. Listen to your ESP today and share with others your insight; it’s revealing to you and “us” what’s to come. Your practical ideas and solutions are fuels that keep a team effort strong. Remain up-to-date on news and activities—lucky surprises await. Your hunch leads to a wish come true. Tonight, home is a calm haven.
Friday February 4, 2011
Today’s Sun-Mars conjunction should produce an energy equivalent of downing a couple of Red Bulls. Whoa! Steady, girl. If you manage to stay focused, you’ll fly like the wind.
By being around like-minded doers today, you clarify your vision. Transcendent experiences need to be tested and validated via effective communication. One of the greatest discoveries of modern philosophy is the interdependency of perception and communication. A short trip or visit connects you to money or bargains. Your keen ESP points to thrifty ways to beautify your home or make a fresh beginning. The news you receive this evening about someone near and dear is delightful.
Saturday February 5, 2011
With the Sun trine Saturn and Mercury sextile Jupiter, my advice is to be spontaneous; you can’t help but beautifully express your inner authenticity.
What you’ve recently “discovered” needs to be discussed, tested through an intellectual exchange, and then “exteriorized.” This implies the act of dealing with those who are still unaware of the new knowledge or realization, and requires your emotional dramatization of the issues at stake. There is plenty of excitement to feast on today! Events occurring between you and loved ones and friends are cooking—stir the pot with your talent for witty conversation. A brilliant idea is worth pursuing.