Sunday January 30, 2011
Difficulty at the beginning; but hang in there. The first two days of this week are the most challenging. A real pulse is that both days have a similar theme to them, so if you’re awake to what’s going on below the surface on Sunday, you’ll have a good idea of how best to meet and defeat the challenges that pop up on Monday.
There’s organic growth, and then there’s forced growth. Alchemy is the art of forcing, or quickening what nature takes much longer to achieve. Civilization as a process is collective alchemy that goads individuals to spend their vital energies in the pursuit of achievement, or “progress.” Social events might cost you money or a friendship; weigh the growth consequences carefully before choosing a direction to avoid hidden pitfalls. Think long-term to steer right now. Happy news from afar thrills.
Monday January 31, 2011
Gemini is ruled by Mercury; it’s the communicating side of your nature that instinctively understands the value of ‘returning to the body’ advocated by modern thinkers in order to balance the stress on intellectuality and objective consciousness. There is a “physical enlightenment or knowing” that you can make good use of now. Hold off on chasing a wild idea or speculative financial opportunity—researching it could reveal it is much too iffy. Someone far-off has info that steers you in the right direction. Handle amor with kid gloves.
Tuesday February 1, 2011
Holy Ground Hog Day! This is one of my most favorite holidays of the year. See if you can feel our collective energy begin to stir. Today, your creative/ romantic imagination is being triggered; have a heart-to-heart with your Muse, and the inspiration you’re seeking will surely follow. But remember, in dealing with the Muse it’s very important to be clear in what you’re asking for: Do you want to actively advance the experience of Beauty in the world around you right now? Or, do you want to have an elaborate, pleasant daydream that you’ll strive to realize sometime in the distant future? The areas in which your Muse is most tuned in now are with regard to long-term planning and partnerships or agreements.
Today, Gemini is very future-oriented. How do you get from here to there? Tune in to the wisdom found in the depth of body-consciousness: “Nature may be delayed, but it is never stopped;” its enduring power overcomes all obstacles. You correctly judge the inner motivation of others, which helps with negotiations or dealings with strangers and associates. A transformation is underway due to the changes you are making to improve life.
Wednesday February 2, 2011
Today, is the New Moon—it’s the official beginning of your month’s work. This morning, be sure to focus on what’s new and exciting. Mercury and Uranus are sextile (60 degrees apart, which is good) —great for the opening and expanding of new communication lines. This afternoon it may be necessary to air some hurt feelings; if you and another have the emotional courage to search for the truth together, you’re in for a surprise ending, much better than either of you expected.
Just the same way our yet-to-be Aquarian Age is having to deal with many outmoded oppressive ghosts—ideals and ways of doing things once revered and proclaimed—from the soon-to-be-concluded Piscean Age, so also on a personal level: Today is about you brilliantly completing the unfinished business of last year in order to let the future in. Your ease with influential people attracts one whose $upport helps back a future endeavor. A bold move wins a key favor on the job. Distant news verifies that your hunch is right on the money—move fast!
Thursday February 3, 2011
The next three days are cosmically designed to “get your motor running.” No more January blues. Did you feel them? They’re kind of like Monday morning blues, except stretched out.
Are there crisis without resolutions? In the realm of archetypal principles and forms, “Never!” This is because humanity’s consciousness is deeply rooted in a foundation of wholeness and evolutionary development. Today, Gemini taps into and draws upon these spiritual forces of transformation. A crucial ruling deals the cards in your favor for a long-term plan. A newcomer’s input boosts the potential of a creative endeavor. Career-related news you receive later in the day points to a rise in status.
Friday February 4, 2011
Today’s Sun-Mars conjunction should produce an energy equivalent of downing a couple of Red Bulls. Whoa! Steady, girl. If you manage to stay focused, you’ll fly like the wind.
In our modern industrial society where policy changes and decisions often take several years to reach full actualization, it has become essential to plan with an eye on probable future developments. This is a day is set your sights on the horizon! You are intuitively guided today; a deci$ion you reach now is right on the mark. Make that connection you’ve been pondering; a red carpet may be laid out that leads to a smart strategy for a future plan.
Saturday February 5, 2011
With the Sun trine Saturn and Mercury sextile Jupiter, my advice is to be spontaneous; you can’t help but beautifully express your inner authenticity.
Today, you’re attuned to the “big picture.” By focusing on the greater good for humanity instead of your own personal desires, you open new channels of opportunity that can take you far. Now a friendship or social event adds a lucky dimension to your long-range outlook. And, an Internet connection opens you up to new options. Cupid’s arrow is aimed at you this day—and you love it!