Taurus Weekly: Jan 30 – Feb 5, 2011

On January 30, 2011, in Taurus, by David Shepard

Sunday January 30, 2011
Difficulty at the beginning; but hang in there. The first two days of this week are the most challenging. A real pulse is that both days have a similar theme to them, so if you’re awake to what’s going on below the surface on Sunday, you’ll have a good idea of how best to meet and defeat the challenges that pop up on Monday.

The human imagination is the flame of the Divine spirit at work. By envisioning, we overcome our fears. If we all could trust enough in what we “see in our heart,” then we could trust in our higher Spirit’s plan and create a culture of harmlessness and compassion. Distant or misinformed persons can put your long-term strategy at risk. You are smart to stick with what you ‘feel’ and not to get swept up into schemes and rumors. In fact, your discretion is highly appreciated by someone you look up to.

Monday January 31, 2011
Consciously or unconsciously you’re always seeking ways to cooperate more directly with nature, maybe it’s that Taurean ability to establish security. Today, by creating beauty and elegance out of wildness and chaos, you reveal future possibilities for overcoming our projections of separateness, both within and without. This day’s race may have to be run without teammates’ cooperation or info you were counting on. But, your dig-in-and-do-the-job attitude impresses a higher-up who’s been eyeing you lately. Extra rest is vital.

Tuesday February 1, 2011
Holy Ground Hog Day! This is one of my most favorite holidays of the year. See if you can feel our collective energy begin to stir. Today, your creative/ romantic imagination is being triggered; have a heart-to-heart with your Muse, and the inspiration you’re seeking will surely follow. But remember, in dealing with the Muse it’s very important to be clear in what you’re asking for: Do you want to actively advance the experience of Beauty in the world around you right now? Or, do you want to have an elaborate, pleasant daydream that you’ll strive to realize sometime in the distant future? The areas in which your Muse is most tuned in now are with regard to joint finances and personal ambitions or desires.

Taurus has a real ambition (and the necessary stamina) for exploring unfamiliar realms, and discovering the laws or principles underlying the complex processes of nature. The challenge is how to best apply practically what you’ve discovered. As you listen to a colleague’s $-evaluation, you find it has merit. Blazing new trials in the business arena leads to a hot lead that draws both money and luck into your orbit. A stranger could light your fire now.

Wednesday February 2, 2011
Today, is the New Moon—it’s the official beginning of your month’s work. This morning, be sure to focus on what’s new and exciting. Mercury and Uranus are sextile (60 degrees apart, which is good) —great for the opening and expanding of new communication lines. This afternoon it may be necessary to air some hurt feelings; if you and another have the emotional courage to search for the truth together, you’re in for a surprise ending, much better than either of you expected.

What lies beyond the interplay of life and death opposites? Ultimate understanding may not seem as important as effective action, but yet, true insight comes from a Soul context, a “bigger picture” vision. Today is all about being highly visible and reaching out. Your call or e-mail, perhaps to a faraway source, could bring a cherished desire closer to reality. A VIP who’s run hot and cold is very approachable now.

Thursday February 3, 2011
The next three days are cosmically designed to “get your motor running.” No more January blues. Did you feel them? They’re kind of like Monday morning blues, except stretched out.

In times of great change it becomes absolutely crucial that one develop a valid historical perspective—about our “communal” past, as well as our own family and personal past. We need to determine what has permanent value, and then let go of nonessentials. Because you persevere on a professional venture, you earn a gold star at work or in influential circles. Your all-for-one, one-for-all approach elevates your own status. Tonight, your friendliness wins new pals.

Friday February 4, 2011
Today’s Sun-Mars conjunction should produce an energy equivalent of downing a couple of Red Bulls. Whoa! Steady, girl. If you manage to stay focused, you’ll fly like the wind.

In our personal life, the individual should take great care of his/her fresh intuitions and his dreams of future growth. They are often fragile developments which under the pressures of everyday life can easily distort or destroy. Special things happen as you cultivate or renew a friendship. Extend your reach to faraway, even foreign circles—it greatly enhances your long-range wishes. Today, a VIP dangles a career carrot—it’s golden!

Saturday February 5, 2011
With the Sun trine Saturn and Mercury sextile Jupiter, my advice is to be spontaneous; you can’t help but beautifully express your inner authenticity.

Society has learned that a balanced combination of intellectual study and physical activity is necessary for the harmonious development of the human personality. Adults often forget this under the pressure of money-making and other duties. You discuss private matters with important people and grow closer. Your work and service put you in high regard. Personal chores, time to yourself and a fitness regimen energize you and bring fulfillment.


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