Libra Weekly: Oct 14 – Oct 20, 2012

On October 14, 2012, in Libra, by David Shepard

Sunday October 14, 2012   
The image of weaving, creating a “wholeness” from separate strands of wool, is powerful.  Today, it’s your lucky day!  Your everyday living reflects the weavers’ art—an authentic wholeness and fulfillment; a prefiguring of the human tapestry in which greater harmony and individuated (unpossessive) love are realized.   And, your good fortune soars as you go out on a limb and take a chance on love or a new idea.  Your in-person appeal sways a decision-maker to say “Yes.”  You have a Mida$ touch now.


Monday October 15, 2012    New Moon in Libra   
The likelihood of you establishing a “life-giving contact” with natural forces is greatly enhanced today.  Your desire for more meaning, frees you from doubt, and opens your mind to the possibility of approaching life in a more holistic and intuitive manner.  Your charm and allure are irresistible—winning you fans everywhere you go.  Following a hunch nets you a bargain and proves your $avvy to a higher-up.  The result: You’re in the driver’s seat, steering to success.  Tonight, your bright charisma should attract a passionate new admirer.


Tuesday October 16, 2012   
Libra is a miracle-worker of sorts, always managing to find a way to pull a disagreement or edgy discussion out of the fire.  Today, you demonstrate your incredible knack for transforming emotional conflicts, and a lack of vitality into poise, organization and potency.    Your keen timing puts you in fortune’s path.  Buy and sell signs are posted now—use your $avvy skills to best advantage.  As you pursue an enterprise on a hunch, you find rewards are within your reach.


Wednesday October 17, 2012    
There’s a middle path between total involvement in instinctual or social drives, and withdrawal in impotent silence and narcissism.  Today, you find time for recuperation and healing—you’re living rhythmically.  Health and beauty buys lift your spirits and suit your budget.  Your confidence in yourself and your ideas attract support.  Thoughts you put in writing may become a lucky $trategy or map to a cherished goal.  Out shopping, you do not have to seek bargains—they find you.


Thursday October 18, 2012       
Today, tap into and use your creative energies.  The static floor (carpet) on which your feet (symbols of understanding) rest can become transformed into the means for great flights of imagination and super-physical perception—a magic carpet ride.  Pull strings confidently now.  Your words work like a charm and influence outcomes.  Lines of communication buzz with lucky messages for you.  This evening, your bold moves gain the response or price you hoped for.


Friday October 19, 2012   
Do not be influenced by the designs of those around you. It is very important, at this time, that you trust your inner vision and the flow of outer events. Obey your instincts.  You’re re-aligning and becoming at-one with the natural rhythms of the cosmos—transmuting life into love.   What occurs now will stimulate new ideas, even if at first this seems unnerving or full of complications.  Your common-sense approach to a project, property matter or fiscal transaction nets lucky results.  What you do on a secret level or will somebody in the know can put fresh greenbacks in your pocket.


Saturday October 20, 2012       
The time is not ripe for action. You have all the creative power that you need to achieve your aim, regardless of what your reasoning or recalcitrant mind may think, but you must wait for the opportune moment, which has yet to arrive.   If restless to get started, direct activities from behind the scenes, and begin by do some honest soul-searching and casting away from your self all random interferences and unorganized trivia.   Flashes of ESP will steer you in a lucky direction, as you’ll sense what works financially and why.  This evening, focusing on someone or something that is a top priority enriches you as well.


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