Sunday Jul 29, 2012
Life is complex, so much more subtle than a choice between right or wrong, yes or no. Yet the Bhagavad-Gita, the jewel of Hindu philosophy, tells us that crucial moments in human evolution are best pursued with an open heart and a readiness to face all issues as if there as if there were only two opposed sides. Today, you turn warrior, fighting anew the eternal “Great war” of opposites in order to make a big leap forward. Your swift approach and straightforward requests deliver the “goods” you desire. A public arena teems with opportunities to brainstorm or make valuable contacts. Eat right and exercise to prevent burnout.
Monday Jul 30, 2012
The phrase “cleansing the doors of perception” has become well known of late. But even more to be cleansed is the container of perceptual images—i.e. the ego mind. Today is about purification. A work agenda or deadline might seem overwhelming, but the savvy ideas and data you gather and refine make it doable, even fun. You click brilliantly now pitching a proposal, writing and collaborating on a new endeavor.
Tuesday Jul 31, 2012
During crisis mode there’s so much adrenaline flow that the mind gets emptied. Afterward, a heart-felt surge of creative new potentiality spontaneously rises up within us. This is the energy wave you’ve been waiting for. Today, catch it, and ride it all the way into shore. A new beginning—whether a project or a phase of life—opens now, due to good work you did in the past. A trip or visit connects you to money or bargains. Your keen ESP points to thrifty ways to beautify your home or make a fresh start. News you get wind of about someone near and dear is delightful.
Wednesday Aug 01, 2012 Full Moon in Aquarius
There exists now a perfect moment of balanced, aesthetic form. The multiplicity of your current experiences can be glimpsed as a still and shimmering tableau. This all- pervasive elegance brings pleasure to the heart, clarity to the mind, and tranquility to the soul. You are in a state of grace. An entertainment venue or romantic setting and overtone fan the flames and spark an amor’s passions now. An exceptional time for rapport-building thru words and deeds. Your popularity takes wing today.
Thursday Aug 02, 2012
In your personal relationships you are not being perceived as who you truly are. You are thought of in terms of your role and how you manage to fulfill it. Your subordination to this role is an unrewarding moment in your emotional life, but it will pass. Don’t force this issue with your mate, for the ensuing recriminations may be disastrous. Remain passive for now and vigorously pursue other aspects of your life to see you through. Your imaginative problem-solving averts a financial setback today. Brainstorming with everyday associates spurs inventive ideas to further develop. Meetings, calls and e-mails bring news that proves beneficial to you.
Friday Aug 03, 2012
There presently exists the ideal conditions for new awakenings, healthy growth, and progressive plans. You now have a responsibility to undertake difficult tasks, to be tolerant of all people, and to promote far-reaching visions. Somehow you just seem to know things intuitively. Your spontaneity spurs exciting developments today. As a risk you take pay$ off, new priorities replace the old. Tonight, a romantic interest strengthens when you let the degree of your sincerity be known.
Saturday Aug 04, 2012
Today, Cancer is focused on developing insight: You create within yourself the clarity of pure value and appreciation, which facilitates your dealings with all aspects of your environment. It’s being in a natural accord with the cosmos that is enhanced at this time. With insight you may now lead others with true vision, or choose to live your life quietly and in perfect balance. Zeroing in on your health and well-being is favored now—whether you start a new diet or invest in self-improvement, the results will please you. This evening, verify news—there likely is more than meets the eye.