Gemini Weekly: Feb 19 – Feb 25, 2012

On February 19, 2012, in Gemini, by David Shepard

Sunday February 19, 2012      The Sun enters Pisces 
You’re having a “threshold” experience.  Today’s “pregnant pause” prepares the way for future advance.  This is a time to regroup and slowly build up inner momentum for the next cycle which is already in seed form.   You’re up to the task at hand physically and emotionally now, and accomplish much with assistance from jobmates or friends.  You discuss private matters with important people and grow closer.  Personal chores, time to yourself and a fitness regimen energize you and bring fulfillment.


Monday February 20, 2012     Presidents’ Day    
It is the intention of the future to interact with the present and release it from the inertial power of the past.  Today, demonstrate your incredible Gemini talent for acting as a lens for the revelation of a transcendent will and truth determining future action. You may feel pressured by a parental or authority figure.  Surrendering yourself to a higher Light illuminates and brings the situation into a proper focus.  Also, assistance can be had from peers and allies who understand what is needed—and how best to move forward.  A social date or meet-and-greet uplifts your spirits.


Tuesday February 21, 2012    
It is the intention of the future to interact with the present and release it from the inertial power of the past.  Today, demonstrate your incredible Pisces talent for acting as a lens for the revelation of a transcendent will and truth determining future action. You may feel pressured by a parental or authority figure.  Surrendering yourself to a higher Light illuminates and brings the situation into a proper focus.  Also, assistance can be had from peers and allies who understand what is needed—and how best to move forward.  A social date or meet-and-greet uplifts your spirits.


Wednesday February 22, 2012    
Heaven is within us.” All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole.  This day is about being “attuned” to the natural rhythms and purposes of universal life.  Today, rewards spring from deepening a personal commitment and placing greater emphasis on mutual benefits.  Connections with a VIP might be strained; play it cool.  Power and passion heat up this evening!


Thursday February 23, 2012    
The human imagination is the flame of the Divine spirit at work.  By envisioning, we overcome our fears.  If we all could trust enough in what we “see in our heart,” then we could trust in our higher Spirit’s plan and create a culture of harmlessness and compassion.   Collaborative money deals are “red flag” zones now.  Limiting your wants may not please you, but it $aves you.  Today, overdue recognition for your imaginative vision arrives, evoking the insight that money can’t buy what’s most important.


Friday February 24, 3012
Consciously or unconsciously you’re always seeking ways to cooperate more directly with nature, maybe it’s because Gemini comes at that time of the year when the promise and planning of spring is transitioning into summer’s ripening.  Today, by creating beauty and elegance out of wildness and chaos, you reveal future possibilities for overcoming projections of separateness, both within and without.   A personal or professional breakthrough is at hand!  Your thorough research turns up vital info that gives you an edge.  Behind the scenes, you and a superior or someone close shape a farsighted success strategy.


Saturday February 25, 3012     
Gemini has a real ambition (and the necessary energy) for exploring unfamiliar realms, and discovering the laws or principles underlying the complex processes of nature.  The challenge is how to best apply practically what you’ve discovered.  A group’s power furthers your long-term plans—they hold the promise of brighter tomorrows.  Reach out, inform and learn today.  Then, give your mind a rest and recharge by shutting out worry and relaxing.


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