Gemini Weekly: January 29 – February 04, 2012

On January 29, 2012, in Gemini, by David Shepard

Sunday January 29, 2012  
In our modern industrial society where policy changes and decisions often take several years to reach full actualization, it has become essential to plan with an eye on probable future developments.  This day is very spiritually uplifting!  You’re attuned to the tapestry of human destiny.  When you act on what you know is true, fate steps in to bring you a lucky break.  A video, film or trip to a new place proves inspiring.  You get noticed by tooting your own horn a bit.


Monday January 30, 2012  
Today, you’re attuned to the “big picture.”  By focusing on the greater good for humanity instead of your own personal desires, you open new channels of opportunity that can take you far.  This is an ideal day to share ideas and branch out across the miles, cultures and ideologies—new viewpoints and experiences are enlightening.  Lending a helping hand to an authority figure puts you on much friendlier terms.  A new diet or fitness regimen shows promise.  This evening, an Internet discovery benefits a future plan.


Tuesday January 31, 2012  
Today, is a “rebirth moment.”  You’re on a quest for the psychic and mental equivalent of solar light and warmth.  Gemini’s  quick mind gets to the heart of the matter in solving a pressing project or domestic issue.  Connect with those who can pull strings; career or financial gains may result.  That which you seek could be granted if you make requests confidentially.  In quiet reflection, a brilliant realization surfaces now.


Wednesday February 01, 2012    
Today, you’re involved in a delicate balancing act centered around protectiveness—protection is valuable, but it also evokes the negative possibility that too much protection may be unhealthy and defeat its purpose.  By knowing and respecting your limits, you avoid getting caught up in paternalism or fool-hearty rebellion, and walk a fine line gracefully.  With friends or a group, you’re the star!  Lively dialogues reveal opportune plans for travel or business.  An extraordinary friendship adds to your status.  You get a lucky break through new or faraway circles.


Thursday February 02, 2012   Groundhog Day  
We don’t like thinking about it, but humanity’s survival has become a matter of extreme importance—it’s an inconvenient truth.  Our technological society is polluting not only our global environment, but the mind and feeling-responses of new generations as well. Today, Gemini is part of the solution in terms of holding a ground of spiritual understanding and love. Your charm and allure are irresistible—winning you fans everywhere you go.  A colleague who’s been only mildly attentive now listens intently.  Watch personal effects, though, and insist on top quality now.


Friday February 03, 2012          
Because you are in possession of a great deal of stored or potential energy, you may now undertake ambitious and far reaching endeavors.  Today, you open astonishing new dimensions to your circle of influence. You skillfully organize others into a useful network of social exchange. Artists and those involved in creative communications benefit greatly by expanding their worlds. The emphasis now should be on pragmatic and useful communications.  Resist a temptation to withdraw.  A long-held fear can be healed now—it helps to seek the advice of somebody you respect.


Saturday February 04, 2012       
This day points to a careful and natural unfolding of events. You’re moving into a new phase in your life.  Rapid revolutionary growth is inappropriate now; instead, pace yourself, a deliberate and slow cultivation of the situation is the path to success and an enduring position of influence.  Your keen instincts guide you wi$ely today.  By joining with like-minded spirits, you set off a lucky winning streak.  This evening, your charitable act or volunteering to serve is praised by someone you’ve long admired.


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