Taurus Weekly: January 22 – January 28, 2012

On January 22, 2012, in Taurus, by David Shepard

Sunday January 22, 2012  
Think of events not as limitations, but as the games or “sports” you were born to play. They’re suggesting to you spiritual insights and ways to grow and find enjoyment; they’ll help you discover your skills and the position you’re best suited, given you team chemistry.  Today, your sixth sense tells you who to not approach or clash with.  But if a heated situation must be settled now, a session behind closed doors works best.  As you stay optimistic, others do the same.


Monday January 23, 2012   New Moon Aquarius; Chinese New Year
Heaven is within us.” All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole.  This day is about being “attuned” to the natural rhythms and purposes of universal life.  Be aware that a VIP has cast an admiring eye on you.  Today, your in-depth detective work or strong hunch enables you to unearth much-needed indicator$.  Sharing secrets spurs intimacy.


Tuesday January 24, 2012  
The human imagination is the flame of the Divine spirit at work.  By envisioning, we overcome our fears.  If we all could trust enough in what we “see in our heart,” then we could trust in our higher Spirit’s plan and create a culture of harmlessness and compassion.    Networking opens new, far-reaching possibilities for you.  Good news signals a future plan is a “Go.”  Promises or term$ are likely to be unclear; insist that everything be spelled out and clearly understood before making a decision.


Wednesday January 25, 2012    
Consciously or unconsciously you’re always seeking ways to cooperate more directly with nature, maybe it’s that Taurus’ ability to materialize Beauty and security.  Today, by creating Beauty and elegance out of wildness and chaos, you reveal future possibilities for overcoming projections of separateness, both within and without.   A personal or professional breakthrough is at hand!  Your thorough research turns up vital info that gives you an edge.  Behind the scenes, you and a superior or someone close shape a farsighted success strategy.


Thursday January 26, 2012  
Taurus has a real curiosity and sensitivity (and the necessary stamina) for exploring unfamiliar realms, and discovering the laws or principles underlying the complex processes of nature.  The challenge is how to best apply practically what you’ve discovered.    Authority figures may be resistant and far-off events unsettling.  Trust facts, nothing else.  A long-distance call or news needs to be verified, too.  You’re apt to feel you are in it all alone now; but you’re up for it.


Friday January 27, 2012          
What lies beyond the interplay of life and death opposites?  Ultimate understanding may not be as important as effective action.  Trust your inner voice and ambition now; they will point you in the correct direction at exactly the right time.  Whether in a crowd or intimate setting, you wow key people with your sharp intuition and understanding.  Someone who matters is grateful for your generosity and kindness.  An Internet connection is lucky.


Saturday January 28, 2012       
In times of great change it becomes absolutely crucial that one develop a valid historical perspective—about our “communal” past, as well as our own family and personal past.   We need to determine what has permanent value, and then let go of nonessentials.  Today, a friendship or social event adds a lucky dimension to your long-range vision.  And, an Internet connection opens you up to new options and perspectives.  Cupid’s arrow is aimed at you now—and you love it!


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