Sunday December 18, 2011
Today, you play the role of the social/spiritual innovator as emotional tides could sweep over the real issues or path (dharma). It’s a time of beginning again on a new foundation, and, others are unwilling to bend—or lend. You elicit cooperation by seeing the best in everyone and projecting a vision of “togetherness” and collective, spiritual evolution. For the sake of sticking to your budget, it’s better to deal with a partner’s proposal tomorrow rather than today.
Monday December 19, 2011
If this truly is the time of a “Renaissance” and a new society is to be built, those who yearn for it, or perhaps who have envisioned its outlines, need to commune. But communion is useless unless there is a central “fire”—a Soul passion in-spiriting the group. Be that central fire, and the shared rewards will more than equal today’s challenges. A new assignment you tackle alone or behind the scenes proves lucky as you discover an inspired path to $-success. Tonight, listen to your ESP—the messages are prophetic.
Tuesday December 20, 2011
Today, your enlightened actions and heart-to-heart communications make you a force to be reckoned with. By being totally open and present with a partner, ally or date you highlight the relationship’s pluses and deepen rapport. Your persuasiveness gets others to play ball now—and on the same team. A gift, favor or kind word puts an alliance on good terms and could pay surprising returns. This evening, your wariness about incurring debt keeps you safe and sound; going Dutch delivers more for less.
Wednesday December 21, 2011 Hanukkah begins
“What is well conceived can easily be formulated.” The process of interior visualization is quite essential now. This is a time of interior formulation in preparation for a creative projection of one’s ideals or concepts. Today your safety and caution in $-matters prevent you from making the same mistake twice. Research, intuition and outside advice uncover the right answers. Your dealings behind closed doors or in deep reflection are extremely fruitful.
Thursday December 22, 2011 Sun moves into Cap; Winter Solstice
Today, you’re pulled into the role of “guardian.” What you clearly envisioned with your creative consciousness will likely be met by resistance as you move closer and closer to actual operation. This actually has a liberating effect that makes you stronger and a better advocate of a new consciousness. Your power lies in your persuasive communication today! The more people you reach out to, the greater the benefits. Calls or visits to a relative or pal bring you luck. And, an Internet connection should prove fruitful.
Friday December 23, 2011
Have hope for a rebeginning. You’ve recently been “contacted,” to play a healing role in the collective unconscious. Don’t give in to fear or shock; instead stay focused on the warming “presence” of hope for the future. Lucky opportunities materialize through the media, a partnership or faraway location. Your communications and mediating skills elicit the best—sage advice, new options, an important accord or a definite “Yes.”
Saturday December 24, 2011 New Moon (Cap); Christmas Eve
In the process of “Transfiguration” the presence of the greatest moments of the past is called upon: The seed of the new day depends upon the seed of yesteryear for an experience of the cyclic continuity of spirit. Today, while clearing out the old to make way for the new, you’re delightfully surprised to find a long-lost item or info that solves a mystery. A family member’s unexpected revelation or contribution pleases you.