Sunday December 11, 2011
You show your genius in how you advance or finalize an endeavor that has great spiritual benefits for all involved. But you’ll be twice as impressive if you show restraint in allowing others to participate in their own way—not compelling a single response to today’s challenge says you truly see the “big picture.” A troubled pal is grateful for your assistance, as you refuse to give in to others’ sorrows. Practice and preach, “This day is for fun, love and following your heart to greater happiness.” A creative or romantic risk exceeds your expectations.
Monday December 12, 2011
Today a new cycle of prosperity and influence is getting underway. The seed of the new is about to emerge from a consummation of a “karmic” moment. This is a healing that has been long in coming. As you reach out with open arms, others respond in kind. Airing frustrations or making snap decisions isn’t wise now; first pause to think things over before you speak. Good ideas come to you the more you reflect and break free of past patterns of behavior. Turn to a loved one for a shoulder to lean on.
Tuesday December 13, 2011 Mercury goes Direct
Metaphorically speaking, your garden is abundant—contains a variety of plants, herbs and vegetables grown specifically to fill an equal variety of human needs and tastes. But you need to wait till things have ripened and it’s time to harvest. Getting caught up in worries or a web of misconceptions now can threaten your progress. Discussions with a VIP or taking an action behind closed doors helps you overturn obstacles and successfully prepare for a new project ahead. Stepping into the spotlight, front and center, gains you a lot of ardent admirers.
Wednesday December 14, 2011
Light “breaks down” into many colors as it passes through a prism. Today your analytical mind functions like a prism revealing hidden factors that need to be carefully considered. You show great wisdom now by moving forward; getting overly stuck or stubbornly set in your ways could deter progress or derail key plans. You initiate innovative job methods or clever solutions, and you are congratulated by superiors on your amazing effort. Avoid being overly chatty this evening; let your good works do the talking or texting.
Thursday December 15, 2011
Latent within all of us is the capacity for self-transformation. This power is most effectively employed via inner visualization, i.e., tapping your physical energy, emotions and will and pouring them into a clearly visualized mental image or archetype. Today, your true value is unveiled as you unselfishly serve others and envision a rebirth or Renaissance unfolding. Offers of assistance come your way to help you polish off an important chore. Diplomacy helps you preserve an intimate alliance this evening.
Friday December 16, 2011
Metaphorically speaking, you’re going through a “re-birth.” As the Sun is just about to move Capricorn, you’re preparing to face another Soul journey through the zodiac. Today, your Cap power is the throes of building momentum for a future success. Remember to be patient and pace yourself for the long haul. A decision-maker might test you by placing taxing demands on you—expecting too much, too soon. Help comes from associates who understand what’s needed and how to get it. Togetherness at a social fete is a delight!
Saturday December 17, 2011
New consciousness is being built; it’s “reflective”: the ability to see your self as in a mirror, and eventually to laugh at the inadequacy of the form one sees. “Humor,” the triumph of objective consciousness over subjective feeling or moods, or involvement in self plays a key role in today’s spiritual growth. Winning friends and influencing people is easy now. Your verbal and writing skills work like magic, getting a green light for something you cherish.