Aquarius Weekly: Nov 27 – Dec 3, 2011

On November 29, 2011, in Aquarius, by David Shepard

Sunday November 27, 2011
Yesterday, you witnessed your Soul influence spiritually “descending,” today witness your egoic influence spiritually “ascending.”  Every human being is potentially divine, but it’s an unavoidable reality that evolving through a natural progression of states of consciousness takes time, perseverance, but most of all acceptance.  Without being anti-social, take the “High Road” and step back from purchases or people who do not serve your highest good.  Self-doubts melt as you confide in a close colleague or friend.  You zero in on goals with radar-like precision and rapidly progress toward a long-held dream.


Monday November 28, 2011
People talk about living in the moment, this can be carried too far.  The present is always seeded with the future—there are natural facts and laws of a higher order (wisdom) that allow us to plan in advance, and encourage us to evolve more quickly.  It’s truly a spiritual experience to anticipate, to be visionary, to prophesize, to cultivate an awareness of cyclic processes.  A vision, as well as a friendship, blooms when you venture out of the house and mingle.  You know you are onto something as you link up with those eager to blaze new trails.  Be gentle with a relative or VIP tonight, it will help advance your cause.


Tuesday November 29, 2011
One of humanity’s greatest contributions to nature is “technique” or alchemy.    Through a combination of social and cultural, and even personal techniques, we are continually short-cutting, “quickening,” the process of natural evolution.   Today, private sources of support oil the wheels of progress; a cherished dream moves closer to reality as you implement a well-thought-out plan.  Family and colleagues act as lucky sounding boards now for your hunches and desires.


Wednesday November 30, 2011
Inner happiness is seen to be the reward for all individuals who have made a valuable “contribution” to their community or to mankind as a whole.  Today, two complementary aspects of spiritual reality—however you may conceive them—are united; this union results in happiness or bliss.   You benefit from dividing your time between public life and privacy.  In VIP circles, you make contacts who will help you professionally.  Time spent alone sparks vital insights; perhaps about a family problem.


Thursday December 1, 2011
What we’re most in need of learning is how to use the power generated by human togetherness and group interplay, to use it harmoniously for the welfare of the whole of which all individuals are parts, the family of  humanity and the planet Earth. This has never been achieved and only very rarely attempted.   Through hunche$, transactions and confidential dealings, you have a real sense for how people are wanting to come together and share, and you can profit handsomely because of it.  It’s a lucky day for a friendship, too—together you’ll make a wish come true.  You find a secret rendezvous is truly fulfilling.


Friday December 2, 2011
Creativity is a magnet for people’s attention, it triggers a person’s deep-seated spiritual need to feel authentic, real.  Taking action from a place of profound inner inspiration helps you focus your creativity on tough obstacles.   Self-doubts or fears of vicious, unfounded criticism melt as you confide in a close colleague or friend.  Test the waters carefully before you cozy up to a new acquaintance who is apt to sink your interests.  Check a $-hunch before acting; your E$P may be off.  This evening, your focus on facts, not gossip, is smart.


Saturday December 3, 2011
The difficulty for the modern individual is to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives.  Today, you’re involved in the unmasking or publicizing of past behavior—yours or another’s; have it be a teachable moment, not sensationalism.  As you work solo and probe for answers to a crucial question, you break new success ground.  Your instincts about a home or secret arrangement are right on target.  And, a follow-up call could prove critical.


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