Gemini Weekly: Nov 27 – Dec 3, 2011

On November 29, 2011, in Gemini, by David Shepard

Sunday November 27, 2011
The search for knowledge and true understanding demands the dedication of many minds digging ever deeper into the realities of our earthly existence. It’s a hard, often dark pursuit amidst great difficulties.  Your appeal to someone close or an ally earns the support you need to shore up a floundering long-range plan.  You’ll get extra $-mileage now by sharing costs and investing only with trusted associates or partners.


Monday November 28, 2011
It’s important for people to get together and share their dreams as a preparation for acting together.  Rituals related to the great aspirations of mankind are both sacred ceremonies and playthings for “evolving hearts and minds.”   Today, step back from the daily grind, don’t get hung up in moody relations or the upsets of the past few days; instead use your imagination to tap into the collective yearning which is dreaming a “global man” into existence.  Mild exercise, healthy food and rest help open your inner “doors of perception.”  This evening, use diplomacy to preserve an intimate alliance.


Tuesday November 29, 2011
There must be rest periods, siestas or coffee breaks, during which we withdraw within, to our own sphere of selfhood, not just for the sake of R-&-R but for allowing the strange, and necessary play of dream fantasies to inform us.  Today, quiet moments and doing your own thing provide you with mindfulness and inspiration.   Pacts and promises you forge reflect your growing sense of inner confidence and pack a real power.  At lunch or this evening, an out-of-the-way spot is perfect for partnering up and strengthening important bonds.


Wednesday November 30, 2011
We all have to deal with repetitive activity; but that activity may be experienced as either binding or freeing the consciousness of the actor.  Today, you come to terms with the inevitability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity.  You need to know you’re moving toward more freedom:  Your Gemini ‘divine inner vastness.’  Though you may be concerned about a private matter, others’ support and encouragement trigger a profound sense of relief.  A work or pleasure plan makes sense.  Together, big changes are easier than on your own.


Thursday December 1, 2011
A person’s ego consciousness is always (to some degree) linked to the vast, archetypal realm of Soul consciousness.  Today’s inner focus is on increasing the amount and quality of energy that flows between these two realms, so that you can be a more effective channel for a ‘Higher Power.’   Outwardly, the dynamic energy and creative input you bring to today’s group effort makes everybody look good.  Wise budgeting or credit use—especially with your partner—makes a domestic buy, renovation or new project possible.  Helping somebody close deepens bonds between you and brings delight tonight.


Friday December 2, 2011
Today, your calm mind attracts benefits and opportunities from both sides of life:  the spiritual and the material.  Ask and you’ll receive key support now especially from an ally who admires you.  Others are quick to pool talents, as you so astutely show how everyone can share the rewards.   Guard against a prickly reaction if others don’t follow through on commitments.  Keeping agreements and ventures afloat requires you to take the reins in your capable hands.  Going Dutch works best this evening.


Saturday December 3, 2011
Every individual needs to assume social risks in order to express his convictions or deepest desires.  And, then must muster up enough courage or love to face the consequences and be free from karmic circularity.   Gemini never has a shortage of strategic thinking when it comes to putting up a good fight, but sometimes love is what’s needed to heal, and move on.  Today, by speaking from your heart you make incredible progress. A new or different locale puts a wealth of resources or lucky info at your disposal.  And, you’ll find a partnership or intro sizzling!


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