Sunday November 20, 2011
Our personal efforts are important, but occasionally it’s healthy to put things in a completely different perspective by looking at life from an “evolutionary” point of view. The vast scale of Nature and its work can make us feel humble and help us to “planetarize” our consciousness. Today, you’re your own good luck charm! A risky, “big idea” just might be worth it; study its merits. Showing your serious side spurs others to follow your lead. Tonight, on the phone or on the go, you connect solidly.
Monday November 21, 2011
Each of us has our own style which can be truly magical and a thing of beauty if we’re embodying our authentic self. When we’re a ‘slave to fashion—the ever-changing pageant of social values, in morals as well as in clothes—we become inwardly bitter and frustrated. Today, you’ll be doing much to free yourself and be your own person. If you cave in to doubts, you could easily suffer from lethargy or vague aches and pains. Talking with someone you look up to helps you see solutions. Tonight, center stage suits you—step out there and shine!
Tuesday November 22, 2011 Sun moves into Sagittarius
In contrast to the sequence of ever-changing fashions and social ideals is the nearly unchanging pattern of the spiritual archetypes. Today, it’s your lucky day! You’re very tuned in to the deeper energetic experience of Soul-permanence that resides at the heart of your being. Act on your imagination and daring—they’re a powerful success combo that will greatly enhance your future. A long-distance call or media article opens a door of opportunity, and a sudden trip leads to romantic progress.
Wednesday November 23, 2011
Typically, when change is called for the first step almost inevitably is a descent in to “chaos,” out of which a new order will eventually emerge. Be patient with today’s upheaval; don’t try to shortcut the organic process of “birth.” A breakthrough is in the works! News from afar reveals a lucky trend for a long-term, personal or creative plan—perhaps a mentor or newcomer who presents new options. Your charm and persuasiveness sway a decision-maker this evening.
Thursday November 24, 2011 Thanksgiving Day
This is a day of creative intensity—your Leo “heart nature” masterfully combines the virtues of simplicity and freedom with an acute attention to “Divine beauty,” you’ll bring a new form of order into play. You in$pire someone important today with your business idea, perhaps for a home-based venture. Familiar places and power circles are where you shine, and forge deeper ties with those who count.
Friday November 25, 2011 New Moon in Sag (Solar Eclipse)
Creation entails being totally and completely open to the spirit that “makes everything new.” Whether helping to build a new society, or renewing your sense of Self, developing the attitude of the artist is essential to success. Tried-and true solutions to complex issues might not work today, so think artistically, outside the box, and put off decisions until you have the inspiration you need. There is one easy choice now, though—a romantic move, festive affair or risk; it is a natural winner.
Saturday November 26, 2011
Today, Lady Luck has got your back, linking you to the stability and promise of happier times. You’re percolating with ideas and feel a real need for a new form of self-expression. Tradition can be glorified sentimentality or suffocating dogma, but now you’ll find it “sheltering” and beneficial—a set of guideline to be relied upon, and inspired by. Happy vibes exist with family or on your home turf; you all savor a well-deserved treat. A party or festivity at home sparks love and laughter. The ideal romance is likely to spring up unexpectedly.