Sunday October 30, 2011
Sag is known as the fire sign of “seeing”, but it’s actually about the “higher mind” and “imagination.” The art of Sag employs mindfulness, mental creativity, and passion to gracefully wield our inner sword of knowing and taking action, much like a martial artist. Today, a rumor you follow up on, a flash from the past or a timely hunch helps you reignite interest in an idea or put plans for a trip back on track. Time you spend close to home, near family, or in nature brings you comfort and inspiration.
Monday October 31, 2011 Halloween
There’s always the need for a thorough rehearsing before any complex and inherently dangerous social ritual in which power is used or evoked. In social life, as well as inner growth, conflict is always to be expected; one must prepare for it. Take care with confidential matters today. What’s important now is that decisions and actions are made and executed on sound fact, not rumor or hunches. It’s a superb night for shopping—deals go your way.
Tuesday November 1, 2011 All Saints’ Day
One can be inspired, but you must have faith in your own subjective strength to follow through and creatively give birth to your inception. Today, you’re up to the task: all those wonderful things you are stand out. A dream you have long been envisioning becomes a reality as your drive and friendliness attract new support in the process. And, in the process you’ll forge important bonds for the future. This evening, being an intermediary solves a family issue.
Wednesday November 2, 2011
You’re a bit of a trend setter today. Not so much that your own personal sense of style is that fashionable, but more because you tuning into and projecting powerful images of “rebirth.” Others see you as a force that “unites,” inspires and uplifts. Check vital info, especially about travel or far-off matters. Your initiative in being sure nothing is overlooked makes a key choice clearer. Tonight, stay courageous, even when a decision ignites self-doubts; remember you’re blazing a new trail into the unknown.
Thursday November 3, 2011
It’s time for you to dare to present yourself and your works to the community for applause, or for the purpose of attracting a following. Today, don’t be afraid to go beyond your comfort zone; public self-dramatization works in your favor. A family matter or special venture needs your deft touch to make it click. Dress to the hilt and step into the limelight now: your seductive charm is a powerful magnet for romantic attention and interludes.
Friday November 4, 2011
Growth doesn’t just happen by itself. Continually, the human race is involved in the transfer of power and knowledge from person to person in order to keep the original spiritual creative impulses of various growth cycles active, and undeviated. Good new$ guides key projects and family affairs now. Residential or real estate bargains turn up. Your show of warmth lifts a friend’s spirits or acts as an ice-breaker with a chilly person at tonight’s gathering.
Saturday November 5, 2011
The correct nourishing of yourself and others is the focus of this time. When your endeavors involve the nourishing of others, it is important that they are worthy of such support. You radiate success, charisma and unique potential; you’re irresistible now. Say or send the word and others rally to your cause, encouraged by your confidence. Your words work like a charm and influence outcomes. Lines of communication buzz with lucky messages for you. This evening, your bold moves gain the response or price you hoped for.