Sunday October 16, 2011
To reach any spiritual goal, you’re undivided total concentration is required. For it’s only by screening out the distractions from one’s past, present, and future—the various windows of perception—can the Soul complete it’s conquest of illusion. Today, in a secluded setting, sharing secret feelings transforms an alliance magically, timelessly. Your keen research or ESP guide you now to favorable terms for a major purchase or a key person whose assets will benefit both of you.
Monday October 17, 2011
Today, as you renew your dedication to the “divine” and making life sacred, much magic shows up. At the very core of your efforts is the impulse to manifest the “perfect Form of Humanity.” Get out and about today because your confidence inspires and uplifts others. A family matter or special venture needs your deft touch to make it click. This evening, your fun, witty nature is a crowd pleaser and attracts fascinating contacts—maybe even a wish-fulfiller. So, ask for what you want; enjoy the response.
Tuesday October 18, 2011
How does it feel to be at the intersection of descending spirit and ascending matter? A “perfect Form for Humanity” is coming into being, and needs the full force of your creative imaging. Now you’ll find a dream is about to be fulfilled, but you may have to negotiate the small points before you get support you need. Get out and about today because your confidence is magnetic. Your fun, witty nature is a crowd pleaser and attracts fascinating contacts—maybe even a wish-fulfiller.
Wednesday October 19, 2011
Today, you play the role of the social/spiritual innovator as emotional tides could sweep over the real issues or path (dharma). You elicit cooperation by seeing the best in everyone and projecting a vision of “togetherness”. It’s a time of beginning again on a new foundation, and, others are unwilling to bend—or lend. In theory, plan$ may appear promising, but in practice, difficult; take a tried path that has proved safe and sound. Don’t join in anything speculative. A day to be the warmth that melts any chill with an amor.
Thursday October 20, 2011
If this truly is the time of a “Renaissance” and a new society is to be built, those who yearn for it, or perhaps who have envisioned its outlines, need to commune. But communion is useless unless there is a central “fire”—a Soul passion in-spiriting the group. Be that central fire, and the shared rewards will more than equal today’s challenges. A new assignment you tackle alone or behind the scenes proves lucky as you discover an inspired path to $-success. Tonight, listen to your ESP—the messages are prophetic.
Friday October 21, 2011
Today, you’ll be revealing to others the foundation of an inner knowledge on which a “new world” can be built. What matters most is not how much of a Master authority you are, but rather how much Mastery you “re-veal.” Your ESP helps you smooth out any upsets or tensions with associates about $-accountability. A discussion behind closed doors with a trusted confidant gets to the whys of a setback for a cherished wish, and brings it back to life.
Saturday October 22, 2011
Today, you need more than just perseverance and determination to complete your tasks. First and foremost, use your imaginative powers of visualization and communication to see your concepts in their entirety—fully manifested. Remember, “What is well conceived can easily be formulated.” Now you advance by sharing long-term plans with allies who are poised to help you fulfill them. Your calls and visits are perfectly timed. Contacting someone far away brings joy, & a date is exceptional.