Gemini Weekly: Oct 2 – Oct 8, 2011

On October 4, 2011, in Gemini, by David Shepard

Sunday October 2, 2011
How brilliant the light after the long “night of the soul”! The battered but unconquered consciousness finds itself exalted in a marriage of sunbeams and rising spirits.  Today, tune in to the surge of life and love after a major crisis.  Let yourself experience the joy and the power of a new beginning.   What you put into love now returns tenfold.  And, a favor you do for someone special triggers warm feelings.  Sharing expenses enables you to enjoy a fun plan you couldn’t possibly afford on your own.


Monday October 3, 2011
Keep reminding yourself you’re not alone.  The security you seek is not just about money, but actually a feeling of togetherness.  Today, either or directly, you’re standing united with others in their dedication to a shared ideal, and this creates a momentum of change for the better.  The only thing standing between you and an ally is clarity—just speak up.  Getting organized helps resolve a knotty problem and finish an important job task.  Healthy food and exercise keep you feeling tops.


Tuesday October 4, 2011
Where does humanity stand in relation to nature?  In a matter of few generations the lines between participation with nature vs. control over nature—evolution vs. devolution—have become extremely blurry.  Today, relax and try going with the flow; appreciate that what you’re undergoing is not about mentally willing yourself, but rather the natural process of “rebirth.”     A key person’s insecurities could set a project adrift.  To get things done right, do them yourself.  Your affections or humor gets a sour family member smiling sweetly.  Romance sparkles this evening.


Wednesday October 5, 2011
Too often Gemini will motivate oneself via duality—going back and forth between the carrot and the stick—which produces a vicious, fast-paced, treadmill lifestyle.  Today, ease up and escape from the routine of business or school; get the feeling of the free flow of energies.  This releases your “natural” intelligence and beauty.  An ideal day to share ideas and branch out across the miles, cultures and ideologies—new viewpoints and experiences are enlightening.  Being on center stage is tricky now.  Sharing the spotlight with others works better.


Thursday October 6, 2011
Astrology is about observation—nature or life triggers the imagination—you see an opportunity and your imagination sets off emotions to help you seize it.   Over the past few days, you may have overlooked an opportunity that has come your way or you, and your talents, may have been overlooked by others. Today, this situation changes to the benefit of everyone.    Profound insights flash through your mind, sowing seeds for a project or $-plan that are sure to bear fruit.  Your power in the workplace jumps a notch as you nurture new support.  Intimacy blooms at home.


Friday October 7, 2011
Today, timing is everything.  Your hesitancy about committing yourself wholehearted to pursuing a long-term game plan is not caused by ignorance, fear, or laziness, but rather a healthy respect for your inexperience in dealing with such matters and an inner sensitivity to the fact that the right moment has not yet arrived.  Be patient!  A work-related plan is right on target for a grand finale, and there’s no need to fix what is not broken.  Discussions about a project proves lucky; a family member or close ally throws in their $upport.  Tonight’s shoptalk seals a key deal.


Saturday October 8, 2011
Today, your ‘release” of higher energies becomes effective and valuable to the extent to which it serves a higher, but concrete and definite, purpose. This is the ideal of Cancer in the role of world server, creating new networks that can be used for commerce or healing.  A long-range matter grows clearer as you surf the Net or access media info.  Once you find mutual ground; you seal a negotiation or gain an edge in a new venture.  This evening’s events trigger a new beginning.


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