Capricorn Weekly: Sept 25 – Oct 01, 2011

On September 25, 2011, in Capricorn, by David Shepard

Sunday September 25, 2011
Heaven is within us.” All we have to do is to be open and listen to the total harmony of life, a harmony in which we play a part that is necessary to the completeness and meaning of the whole.  Today is about being “attuned” to the natural rhythms and purposes of universal life.   Allowing for delays and not taking on too much all at once smoothes your path.  An agreement falls into place as rapport with a partner, date or close ally grows.  Others’ input helps you with a decision.


Monday September 26, 2011
The human imagination is the flame of the Divine spirit at work.  By envisioning, we overcome our fears.  If we all could trust enough in what we “see in our heart,” then we could trust in our higher Spirit’s plan and create a culture of harmlessness and compassion.   Collaborative money deals are “red flag” zones now.  Limiting your wants may not please you, but it $aves you.  Today, overdue recognition for your imaginative vision arrives, evoking the insight that money can’t buy what’s most important.


Tuesday September 27, 2011     New Moon in Libra
Consciously or unconsciously you’re always seeking ways to cooperate more directly with nature, maybe it’s that Cap ability to rise to the top of the mountain.  Today, by creating beauty and elegance out of wildness and chaos, you reveal future possibilities for overcoming our projections of separateness, both within and without.  You get ahead now by relying on your efforts, rather than others’.  If a problem arises over how the financial pie should be split, use tact and diplomacy to make sure everyone’s satisfied, including you.


Wednesday September 28, 2011
Cap has a real ambition (and the necessary stamina) for exploring unfamiliar realms, and discovering the laws or principles underlying the complex processes of nature.  The challenge is how to best apply practically what you’ve discovered.   Staying upbeat, despite self-doubt or difficulty with a VIP, keeps your intuitive intelligence alive to new possibilities and potentials.  Fresh info from a far-off contact, maybe someone you just met; proves your long-term prospects are looking up.


Thursday September 29, 2011
What lies beyond the interplay of life and death opposites?  Sag loves an adventure and today you’re an adventurer in consciousness searching for the knowledge of what lies beyond the data of the senses.  A long-cherished dream draws closer now and your brilliant words inspire others to join you on a quest.  Being wary about incurring new debt, loaning money or getting pulled into a $cheme keeps you well-grounded and your ledger balanced.


Friday September 30, 2011
In times of great change it becomes absolutely crucial that one develop a valid historical perspective—about our shared “communal” past, as well as your own family and personal past.   This will help you determine what has permanent value, and what you need to let go of.   As you follow in the footsteps of one you admire, you become a front-runner.  Your silent, selfless dedication impresses VIPs, who are apt to reward you for it.  A tran$action you pull off is proof of your $avvy.


Saturday October 1, 2011
In our personal life, the individual should take great care of his/her fresh intuitions and his dreams of future growth. They are often fragile developments which under the pressures of everyday life can easily distort or destroy.   Today, your willingness to follow up on a hunch nets you a bargain and proves your $avvy to a higher-up.  New wardrobe purchases enhance your image and a VIP views you as a leader.  A networking contact stands poised and ready to help you get a long-held dream out of the hangar and hurtling down the runway.


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