Sunday September 25, 2011
In the process of “Transformation,” remembrances are often called upon. Today your growth and success are related to a heartfelt appreciation of what occurred in the past and a terrific insight regarding the cyclic continuity of your rich, blossoming inner life. A key person’s insecurities could set a project adrift. To get things done right, do them yourself; you have true understanding. Your affections or humor gets a sour family member smiling sweetly. Romance sparkles this evening.
Monday September 26, 2011
An inner “revelation” will at first bring about dramatic tensions, then eventually we learn the self-control and poise necessary to evoke a place of centeredness and a sense of relief. Today, after having passed through the narrow rapids of the last week, your canoe finally reaches calm waters. Relations can turn testy suddenly—try to not hurt anyone’s feelings now. But, what may start out tense could conclude with a new, improved alliance. Your sensitivity plays a key role in healing a romantic rift.
Tuesday September 27, 2011 New Moon in Libra
Today, whatever you’re doing, you’ll probably find yourself in the position of being the teacher. Don’t think this is an easy role to perform. There are problems to be addressed, such as how best to transmit knowledge, how to be of most benefit to the individual, or to the culture. Your keen hunches point you to outside backing your need to launch or finalize a venture. What you learn through confidential channels will help you to instruct others and put a positive life change on a firm footing. Your family supports you now.
Wednesday September 28, 2011
The search for knowledge demands the dedication of many minds digging ever deeper into the realities of our earthly existence. It is a hard, often dark pursuit amidst great difficulties. Today, you show a great deal of intellectual dedication, which serves you well. Relations can turn testy suddenly—try to not hurt anyone’s feelings now. But, what may start out tense could, because of your principled approach, conclude with a new, improved alliance. Your sensitivity and understanding plays a key role in healing a romantic rift.
Thursday September 29, 2011
Sharing your dreams with others paves the way for a concerted effort, and success. Rituals related to the great aspirations of humanity are both sacred ceremonies and playthings for “evolving hearts and minds.” Today, you’re involved in a lot of imaginative play which foreshadows plenitude. Listening closely to what another is saying puts a wealth of resources or lucky info at your disposal. Your long-range strategy on a financial or educational matter has real promise. And, you find a partnership or intro sizzling!
Friday September 30, 2011
There must be rest periods, siestas or coffee breaks, during which we withdraw within, to our own sphere of selfhood, not just for the sake of R-&-R but for allowing the strange, and necessary play of dream fantasies to inform us. Today, quiet moments and doing your own thing provide you with mindfulness and inspiration. An authority figure may expect too much, too soon. Trust in your own inner authenticity or colleagues who understand what’s needed and how to get it. A lunch date or unplanned rendezvous with someone special delights you today.
Saturday October 1, 2011
We all have to deal with repetitive activity; but that activity may be experienced as either binding or freeing the consciousness of the actor. Today, you come to terms with the desireability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity. You need to know you’re moving toward more freedom: An ideal day to pool efforts: Partnerships and social events bloom with mutual give-and-take. And, your heart’s deeply touched by someone who shares the same wavelength. A new friendship holds promise.