Capricorn Weekly: Sept 4 – Sept 10, 2011

On September 4, 2011, in Capricorn, by David Shepard

Sunday September 4, 2011
Today, you’re involved in a delicate balancing act centered around protectiveness—protection is valuable, but it also evokes the negative possibility that too much protection may be unhealthy and defeat its purpose.  By knowing and respecting your limits, you avoid getting caught up in paternalism or fool-hearty rebellion, and walk a fine line gracefully.  A $-offer or friendship might look better than it really is.  Don’t cave in to demands—a long-term view offers fresh perspective.  Your research turns up good news.  Stepping into new territory is fun tonight.


Monday September 5, 2011           Labor Day
We don’t like thinking about it, but humanity’s survival has become a matter of extreme importance—it’s an inconvenient truth.  Our technological society is polluting not only our global environment, but the mind and feeling-responses of new generations as well. Today, a new spirit of brotherhood gives your personal agenda a fresh lease on life.  Special things happen as you cultivate or renew a friendship.  Extend your reach to faraway, even foreign circles—it greatly enhances your long-range wishes.  And, a VIP dangles a career carrot—it’s golden!


Tuesday September 6, 2011
Because you are in possession of a great deal of stored or potential energy, you may be undertaking ambitious and far reaching endeavors.  Today, you open astonishing new dimensions to your circle of influence. You skillfully organize others into a useful network of social exchange.  Don’t be surprised, but a higher-up has cast an admiring eye on you and is ready to meaningfully collaborate.  Your in-depth detective work or strong hunch unearths much-needed, positive indicator$.  Sharing secrets now spurs greater intimacy amongst you and friends.


Wednesday September 7, 2011
The time points to a careful and natural unfolding of events. You’re moving into a new phase in your life.  Rapid revolutionary growth is inappropriate now, and instead, a deliberate and slow cultivation of the situation is the path to success and an enduring position of influence.  Opening up and sharing your professional ambitions with a mover-and-shaker behind closed doors earns you a definitive “Yes.”  You gain secret perks or important info, too.  Avoiding a weighty decision is wise this evening—all the facts you need aren’t in yet.


Thursday September 8, 2011
Adapting is knowing when to act and when to rest, when to speak and when to be silent.  This is the time of a peaceful, accepting frame of mind willing to adjust to the existing forces.  Even if you feel you possess the strength to alter events, it is in your best interests to remain low.  Judging a book by its cover could mislead today.  Unless info is examined, you may act prematurely.  Honors come for guarding a VIP’s secret—you might even land in the spotlight this evening.  You’ve earned it!


Friday September 9, 2011
This day’s mantra is:  Stop your thoughts, and renew both mind and body.  Leave career stress behind today. You’ve slowly forced yourself into a rigid routine.  Doing something different will provide a refreshing change of pace and perhaps a whole new set of options to pursue.  These deeper instincts and the creative fire that spring forth will be in accordance with your real needs. An attitude of Renaissance or “Rebirth” is powerfully at work within your Capricorn psyche—let it surface.  You’re charming and inspired now, helping you soothe a difficult VIP this evening.


Saturday September 10, 2011
In personal relationships you have the opportunity to communicate more deeply than ever before. A strong understanding coupled with an attitude of goodwill can bring progress to your relationships. If you are involved in teaching those dear to you, an encouraging presentation of information will achieve a great deal.  Now you find a dream is about to be fulfilled, but you may have to negotiate the small points before you get support you need.  Your friendliness attracts the help of a group or pal, and takes you far today.


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