Sagittarius Weekly: August 28 – September 3, 2011

On August 28, 2011, in Sagittarius, by David Shepard

Sunday August 28, 2011                   New Moon in Virgo
Consciously or unconsciously you’re always seeking ways to cooperate more directly with nature, maybe it’s linked to Sag’s desire to discover new territories or to have a life-changing adventure.  Today, by creating beauty and elegance out of wildness and chaos, you reveal future possibilities for overcoming projections of separateness, both within and without.  A good book, new film or inspiring Web site revs up your mental gears and outlook now.  It’s a great day for making a positive impression on a newcomer, higher-up or someone close.  News from afar delights.


Monday August 29, 2011
Sag has a real enthusiasm (and the necessary stamina) for exploring unfamiliar realms, and discovering the laws or principles underlying the complex processes of nature.  The challenge is how to best apply practically what you’ve discovered.   Reading, watching, listening and expressing your viewpoint results in a positive change in your prospects or a fresh perspective.  Higher-ups, VIPs or the media aid you, as does news or sources from afar.


Tuesday August 30, 2011
What lies beyond the interplay of life and death opposites?  Ultimate understanding may not be as important as effective action.  Trust your inner voice and ambition now; they will point you in the correct direction at exactly the right time.  A private chat finally nets the wrap-up you’ve long aimed for.  You avoid a bumpy ride now by paying close attention to details and verifying critical data.  Important words spoken directly without too much emotion, perhaps in a high-powered setting, go over best.


Wednesday August 31, 2011
In times of great change it becomes absolutely crucial that one develop a valid historical perspective—about our shared “communal” past, as well as your own family and personal past.   This will help you determine what has permanent value, and what you need to let go of.  Your keen instincts guide you wi$ely today.  By joining with like-minded spirits, you set off a lucky rebound.  This evening, your charitable act or volunteering to serve is praised by someone you’ve long admired.


Thursday September 1, 2011
In our personal life, the individual should take great care of his/her fresh intuitions and his dreams of future growth. They are often fragile developments which under the pressures of everyday life can be misunderstood or mislead.  Today, take time for silence—close your eyes and free your mind.  Underneath the noise of all things is the stillness of the truth.  You discover that a higher-up has cast an admiring eye on you.  And, your in-depth detective work or strong hunch enables you to unearth much-needed indicator$.  Sharing secrets spurs intimacy.


Friday September 2, 2011
Society has learned that a balanced combination of intellectual study and physical activity is necessary for the harmonious development of the human personality. Adults often forget this under the pressure of money-making and other duties.  A fortunate incident leads you to power circles and your social skills impress everyone around you.  You reach an accord and cement a commitment that you’ve long sought.  By working exercise into today’s routine you establish a pattern that has major, long-lasting benefits.  This evening, you shine in the spotlight.


Saturday September 3, 2011
Under the pressure of religions that have created a sharp and unwholesome division between Soul and Body, society has produced strict codes of values regarding the play of natural instincts, and has glorified them under the name of “decency” and “modesty.”  Today, you tune in to the “wisdom of the body” and make decisions based on your “gut feeling.”   New contacts warm to your confidence.  As you openly share and express hopes and aspirations, others willingly offer support or assistance.  Your conversations and practical decisions are well-timed.  This evening, curb any impulse to spend too much—or unwisely.


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