Sunday August 21, 2011
Today, you’re a bit like lightning in your ability to bridge “the gap between worlds” and make key connections. Don’t be intimidated by the sparks your ideas generate, you’re a very effective communicator now and there’s nothing you cannot do … there’s a rainbow on the horizon. Keep the “bigger picture” in mind, this is a time of creatively envisioning your goals, and what you decide has long-range impact. Your insistence on all the details and options pays.
Monday August 22, 2011
“All natural compounds decay,” said the Buddha. It’s time to discard the past and move on to what’s the next step. You must begin anew, and if possible at a “higher,” i.e. more inclusive and universal, less egocentric, level. Go the extra mile at work—there is light at the end of the tunnel, highlighting an incredible opportunity that’s like nothing you’ve done before. Verify news before you act as certain facts could prove erroneous. Your compromise sparks a new meeting of the minds with a mate.
Tuesday August 23, 2011 Sun goes into Virgo
All great evolutionary challenges imply the overcoming of basic difficulties. A step ahead must be taken now, yet the obstacles you’re facing are not personal to just you. Today, you may have to be extra patient and bite your tongue to please others. Presenting your solid proposal for a joint undertaking inspires a key authority figure to add their support. Home and power circles are where you’re in your element now and strengthen connections. Displaying your talents pays off.
Wednesday August 24, 2011
A new quality of being is revealed to you that renders the old patterns obsolete. This is a “meeting” of the traditional past and of the creative spirit pointing to the future; it’s the birth of a new mythos. Are you open to receive this revelation? Make calls, send e-mails, network—voice your ideas loud and clear; doors will open. As you are invited into a new circle, you reel in a “big fish.” Your $mart strategy gets you an “in” with one in a position of society-transforming status.
Thursday August 25, 2011
Today, you’re doing much in the way of anticipating and preparing for the future. You’ll be drawing up past knowledge and skill to meet the demands of an evolutionary stage yet to come. Don’t let the blindness of others deter you from following through with what you “see.” Someone important is likely to be impressed by your clarity of vision. If you play your cards right, you could be invited into the “inner circle.” A generous gesture or act of kindne$$ is sure to please you tonight.
Friday August 26, 2011 Mercury goes Direct
Today have faith in cyclic renewal. The outer world may seem a little bleak, but your trust in Leo romantic heart energies creates abundance, beauty and happiness within, overcoming the cold barrenness of your situation. Get out and about today because your keen timing puts you in fortune’s path. Buy and sell signs are posted now—use your $avvy skills to best advantage. As you pursue an enterprise or a hunch, you find rewards are within your reach.
Saturday August 27, 2011
Compassion is the love that links all humanity. Pure altruism and service to the greater, social Whole is what drives Leo, and today you know how to best reach out and temper your will power with spiritual love. By paying attention to your sixth sense you zero in on goals with great sensitivity and understanding. A show of confidence and optimism will make you stand out to VIPs—even in a crowd. You’ll be feeling more in control now; its your higher love bringing you back to life!