Virgo Weekly: August 7 – August 13, 2011

On August 7, 2011, in Virgo, by David Shepard

Sunday August 7, 2011
The correct nourishing of yourself and others is the focus of this time.  When your endeavors involve the nourishing of others, it is important that they are worthy of such support. You radiate success, charisma and unique potential; you’re irresistible now.  Say or send the word and others rally to your cause, encouraged by your confidence.  Your words work like a charm and influence outcomes.  Lines of communication buzz with lucky messages for you.  This evening, your bold moves gain the response or price you hoped for.


Monday August 8, 2011
Today, many areas of your life are undergoing significant change.  In order to attain your aim, you must wait to act until circumstances are in your favor.  A group or relationship situation particularly requires calculated and good-natured waitingAll parties involved should realize that the situation is out of any one person’s hands. Destiny is at work here.  A family discussion about the past alleviates a deep-seated concern.  Isolation is a danger; it could bring you down.  Tonight, a gathering at home provides a fun interim and chance to shake off recent worries.


Tuesday August 9, 2011
The current situation is becoming weighted with a great many considerations. There are numerous decisions pending, the air is full of ideas with all their ensuing multifarious possibilities, and the ponderous affairs of the people around you are pushing into the foreground. All of it is important, serious, meaningful, and your magnetism is about to peak now.   Your brilliant leadership overcomes a misunderstanding or delay.  Carefully verify information and instructions to avoid confusing mishaps today.


Wednesday August 10, 2011
The theme of sacrifice is suggested today.  Something precious, involved in the deep-seated healing experiences of your past, has to be surrendered, offered to others.  Virgo power and control is being relinquished for the sake of a greater love, either personal or collective, or both. Now a “new you” emerges—full of great influence and vision.   Giving yourself a pep talk helps you rise above any doubts and see your strengths.  Then, you find solid ways to attain a secret goal or finish a project.  Reminding yourself ‘This too shall pass’ eases worry.


Thursday August 11, 2011
You possess a storehouse of potential psychological energy. There is no reason that it should not be used in a positive exchange. Personal relationships could blossom overnight. For greatest success, hold to what your Soul values. View all feelings in the light of what has come before and your growing sense of love and beauty.   Your intuition is sharp, and shows you what is really going on now.  A home-related or family agenda is catapulted to completion today.  And, a candid discussion you have tonight spurs an exciting new beginning.


Friday August 12, 2011
Today, is about the power of the Soul to intervene in the personal life:   a purging or catharsis restores not only your creative spontaneity, but even more important the connection to your Soul and God-ordained dharma.  With such a confident, knowledgeable air, you operate brilliantly leading the parade!  A humanitarian or group effort benefits from your input.  You could alienate a loved one if you are too bossy or combative—live-and-live wins out.


Saturday August 13, 2011                         Full Moon in Aquarius
You show your genius in how you advance or finalize an endeavor that has great spiritual benefits for all involved.  But you’ll be twice as impressive if you show restraint in allowing others to participate in their own way—not compelling a single response to today’s challenge says you truly see the “big picture.”   Airing frustrations or making snap decisions isn’t wise now; first pause to think things over before you speak.  Terrific ideas come to you in afterthoughts this evening—follow-up on them; better late than never.


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