Aquarius Weekly: July 17 – July 23, 2011

On July 17, 2011, in Aquarius, by David Shepard

Sunday July 17, 2011
Today, is a crucial moment. You’re at the tail end of a crisis; it’s important to realign your renewed consciousness with a succinct Revelation of the Truth that reflects a new you.  Don’t merely re-embody in a superficially altered manner the very pattern of the past that you worked so hard to transcend.  The calm way you manage an unsettling development while completing tasks or researching a project impresses a VIP.  What you don’t know can steer you off course now; it’s wise to consult someone you respect.


Monday July 18, 2011
To reach any spiritual goal, you’re undivided total concentration is required.  For it’s only by screening out the distractions from one’s past, present, and future—the various windows of perception—can the Soul complete it’s conquest of illusion.  Today, in a secluded setting, sharing secret feelings transforms an alliance magically, timelessly.  Your keen research or ESP guide you now to favorable terms for a major purchase or a key person whose assets will benefit both of you.


Tuesday July 19, 2011
Today, as you renew your dedication to the “divine” and making life sacred, much magic shows up.  At the very core of your efforts is the impulse to manifest the “perfect Form of Humanity.”   Get out and about today because your confidence is magnetic.  Your good mood and confidence rub off on everyone you encounter.  A meeting or agreement should proceed exceptionally well.  Luck shines on all types of relationships now—you team up and win.


Wednesday July 20, 2011
This is your lucky day!  Act on your imagination and daring—they’re a powerful success combo.  A “perfect Form for Humanity” is coming into being, and needs the full force of your creative visualization, as well as your salesmanship—you may have to negotiate the small points before you get the support you need, so keep at it and Lady Luck will arrive.  A long-distance call or media article opens a door of opportunity, and a sudden trip leads to romantic progress.


Thursday July 21, 2011
Today, you play the role of the social/spiritual innovator as emotional tides could sweep over the real issues or path (dharma).  You elicit cooperation by seeing the best in everyone and projecting a vision of “togetherness”.  It’s a time of beginning again on a new foundation, and, others are unwilling to bend—or lend.   In theory, plan$ may appear promising, but in practice, difficult; take a tried path that has proved safe and sound.  Don’t join in anything speculative.  A day to be the warmth that melts any chill with an amor.


Friday July 22, 2011                                  Sun goes into Leo @ 9:12 pm PDT
If this truly is the time of a “Renaissance” and a new society is to be built, those who yearn for it, or perhaps who have envisioned its outlines, need to commune. But communion is useless unless there is a central “fire”—a Soul passion in-spiriting the group.  Be that central fire, and the shared rewards will more than equal today’s challenges.  A new assignment you tackle alone or behind the scenes proves lucky as you discover an inspired path to $-success.  This evening, listen to your ESP—the messages are prophetic.


Saturday July 23, 2011
Today, your enlightened actions and heart-to-heart communications make you a force to be reckoned with.   By being totally open and present with a partner, ally or date you highlight the relationship’s pluses and deepen rapport.   Teamwork and discussion are strongly productive now.  And, people are very open to your needs.  Pacts gel over faith and trust—what’s agreed on makes sense.  Love and fun are a special delight.


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