Sunday July 10, 2011
Today, it should be a relatively simple matter to bring together groups of people in social or public-minded situations. By penetrating the psyche of each individual involved, you can arrange to gratify their needs within the group mechanism and thereby gain their co-operation. Look for the red carpet to be rolled out for you now. Your smiles, warm words and sharp attire make you a star attraction. As others gather around you in admiration, you reap helpful info and insights.
Monday July 11, 2011
Virgo’s adventurous ambitions are fueled by a noble quest for freedom; but it’s of equal importance that the need for creating unity and community is related to as well. The individual human spirit is nourished by a sense of connectedness to the whole of human awareness. Adopting this perspective will enhance your sense of direction. Good luck lends support for your wishe$, as appraisal$ unearth hidden treasures today. Your creative brainstorming, innovative input, use of news and reliable pals or groups combine to put key goals into play.
Tuesday July 12, 2011
By fostering altruistic motivations you make yourself radiant and influential. By developing sincere loyalties you make yourself strong in character. By examining your relationship with your fellow man and today’s events, you bring even greater momentum to your inner spiritual development. In attending to your outer life, don’t believe all you read and hear now; be sure you double-check the facts and, don’t settle for anything less than what feels right. As you gather key information and go that extra mile, you can brilliantly execute a Mission Impossible.
Wednesday July 13, 2011
Today, you’re in the midst of an intense process of transmutation—your emotional energies are being realigned to more adequately reflect your Soul purpose. Don’t be surprised if you physically feel as though you’re riding a roller coaster. Your practical ideas and solutions are fuels that keep a team effort strong. During quiet reflection, your ESP delivers significant revelations. Your discreet dealings with a VIP spark promising developments. Home may not be a “Fun House,” but your calmness soothes any uprising.
Thursday July 14, 2011 Full Moon in Capricorn
We’re constantly being asked to “manage” a great deal in our everyday living—our possessions and security, as well as our ideas, emotions, and passions. Use your intellectual powers of observation, analysis and balance today to check on how effective your energies are in achieving your goals. If someone close lets you down or dampens your spirits, expressing your needs will rebuild rapport. Too much time at home is likely to cause cabin fever or a bout of negative feelings, so get out this evening.
Friday July 15, 2011
Virgo has a real desire to revolutionize and excel; you’re often quick to pick-up on cutting-edge trends that represent our future, and yet at the same time hold on to and perfect those sustaining, traditional themes from other eras in our distant past. Today, you zero in on the timeless authentic emotions that bridge the two perspectives and fuel humanity’s evolutionary march forward. A domestic, financial or behind-the-scenes plan enhances prospect$ now. You reap lucky benefits thru your uncanny sixth sense. A confidential undertaking shows superb potential as you take quick action.
Saturday July 16, 2011
Too much frivolity now results in a scattering of energies and that could threaten or stall progress. Steadily, over the week you have been building momentum for a significant breakthrough. Now, you have the necessary pieces in place for looking ahead and putting your efforts in proper perspective. Getting on a soapbox to air your opinions or ideas sways the masses. A meeting of minds occurs, even across many miles. A new connection or plan is a sure winner. Your warmth takes the chill out of amor.