Capricorn Weekly: July 3 – July 9, 2011

On July 3, 2011, in Capricorn, by David Shepard

Sunday July 3, 2011
We all have to deal with repetitive activity; and that activity may be experienced as either stifling or freeing.  Today, you come to terms with the desirability of establishing steady rhythms of social activity.  You need to know you’re moving toward more freedom and opportunity.  You rate tops in productive pursuits like polishing off chores, exercising and lending others a helping hand.  And, you delight in the changes that result—and the new, improved you.  VIPs notice and approve.


Monday July 4 2011                                  Independence Day
A person’s ego consciousness is always (to some degree) linked to the vast, archetypal realm of Soul consciousness.  Today’s inner focus is on increasing the amount and quality of energy that flows between these two realms, so that you can be a more effective channel for a ‘Higher Power.’   Your persuasiveness gets others to play ball now—and on the same team.  A gift, favor or kind word puts an alliance on good terms and could pay surprising returns.  Going Dutch delivers more for less.


Tuesday July 5, 2011
Today, your calm mind attracts benefits and opportunities from both sides of life:  the spiritual and the material.  Ask and you’ll receive key support now especially from an ally who admires you.  Others are quick to pool talents, as you so astutely show how everyone can share the rewards.   Guard against a prickly reaction if others don’t follow through on commitments.  Keeping agreements and ventures afloat requires you to take the reins in your capable hands. This evening, new you receive holds the key to brighter future options.


Wednesday July 6, 2011
Every individual needs to assume social risks in order to express his convictions or deepest desires.  And, then must muster up enough courage or love to face the consequences and be free from karmic circularity.   Capricorn never has a shortage of courage when it comes to putting up a good fight, but sometimes love is what’s needed to heal, and move on.  A kind deed you go out of your way to do for another puts you in the limelight—and the boss notices!  Your offer to be of service heals a schism in an alliance.  You make headway on a health or diet plan.


Thursday July 7, 2011
Change is never easy, particularly if it means going up against a privileged institution or a socially supported taboo.  Being a conscious human being means knowing when you “must” band together with others and courageously steal fire from the gods or at least the tyrannical power-brokers.   You avert a stand off now by being assertive when a partner is wishy-washy.  A loan approval or belated gift is an unexpected surprise.  A credit buy boosts your image or provides you a professional advantage.


Friday July 8, 2011
Today, outer relationships are apt to prove unpredictable so go within and rely on that which has endurance and consistency in your own nature.  Act out the laws of your inner Self by first being certain that your goals are realistic; and then applying just enough consistent force to effect the situation.   Everyone may want to lead the parade, thus creating a standstill, not a meeting of minds.  But, offering creative ideas brings solutions and wins a youngster’s heart, romance second chance or payoff on a risk.


Saturday July 9, 2011
Because of the external complexities in your present situation, it is of great importance to achieve an inner peace which will allow you to act in harmony with the times, rather than reacting with impulsiveness. Hold your thoughts about what’s happening, and maintain an unprejudiced view of your circumstance.  You perform masterfully on center stage today—wheeling and dealing with VIPs give a joint endeavor a boo$t.  And, sharing your goals or cherished wishes with friends and colleagues adds to your success.


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