Sagittarius Weekly: June 12 – June 18, 2011

On June 12, 2011, in Sagittarius, by David Shepard

Sunday June 12, 2011
The correct nourishing of yourself and others is the focus of this time.  Cultivate your visionary progressive opinions and attitudes in order to properly nourish your bold character.  Without warning, team dynamics might begin falling apart.  But as you display your zest for life and firmly stand your ground, tensions ease and you settle matters superbly.  This is a time for acting without ulterior motives, in total innocence and trust.  That’s how an inspired alliance or love match grows.  Being upfront about feelings is better than hiding them this evening.


Monday June 13, 2011
Today, you see with fresh eyes because your mind is open to the many wonders of cosmic process.  Your visionary talents put you in a state of clair-seeing, or “seeing through” the ego’s every-day circumstances.  Spirit, life, God is ever present, here and now. And every death is an omen of rebirth.  Vital alliances take shape as you network in person or on the Net.  You bring ideas to the table and people together for a long-term victory.  Recent power plays with an associate ease as you reach an agreement.


Tuesday June 14, 2011
Life is maze of opposites; this is the secret at the heart of all our relationships.   The seeker realizes how quickly these polarized energies can change into its opposite.  Today you are led beyond duality to a place of higher Love.  Your cooperative spirit, that “sees both sides,” helps sort out a troubled friendship or collective financial venture.  Your winning magnetism and captivating allure do the trick in melting obstacles and winning new fans.  Only by confidently taking the reins can you overturn an ally’s resistance or competitor’s edge.


Wednesday June 15, 2011                         Full Moon (Sag) Lunar Eclipse
Today, you’re contemplating the stress of duality from a higher level. Through the use of your visionary mind, familiar with the efforts and struggles of past generations and backed by the cooperation of someone close, you gain a new perspective on human problems and reach a place of freedom and peace.  Relationships with narrow-minded authority figures might feel a little rocky now.  Distancing yourself keeps you positive and focused.  If you must resolve a touchy issue, do it in private.  Solutions grow more apparent in moments of tranquility, too.


Thursday June 16, 2011
Be assured there’s always a “community“—visible or invisible—at work in one’s life, sustaining and inspiring one’s efforts.  By expanding your awareness and consciousness you can break free from the narrow perspective of ego isolationism and participate in the vast network of the “Supermind.” Take it slowly with risky or emotionally-charged matters.  As tensions arise, some things are better left unsaid.  Your focus on priority goals makes tomorrow brighter.  Be sure you include all in a social plan.


Friday June 17, 2011
Today, your visionary sympathies are working overtime.  You’ll feel a deep sense of participation in, and commitment to, the social processes which seek to bring to all humanity Truth and a greater Life. You shift into overdrive and provide the fuel for job output and efficiency, as others’ assistance becomes available.  You obtain long-sought funds or a pact today by taking a straightforward course of action.


Saturday June 18, 2011
Today, important words spoken directly without too much emotion, perhaps in a high-powered setting, go over best—either in the form of a promising financial/business plan or a quantum leap in your psychological/spiritual understanding, maybe it’s both.  You could step out of character and count chicken$ before they hatch; remain vigilant.  And stand firm if others try to get you to make a change prematurely.  In VIP circles, you “work the audience” with flair.


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