Sunday June 12, 2011
Today, you’ll find that you have unusual influence and power in personal relationships. This is, definitely, a responsibility. Those you love trust you and look to you for leadership. Sensing their dependence, they may look to you for reassurance as well. Your sharp attire and clever words make a winning impression. As you promote an idea or seek approval, you get your way. Brainstorming reaps a strategy that pulls you or another out of a fi$cal bind this evening.
Monday June 13, 2011
Today, take out the cutting shears, because you’re pruning—finally bringing under control the expansive power of your mind. In the past you’ve tried to expand in too many directions simultaneously and have ended up exhausted, frustrated and unfulfilled. Unfamiliar matter$ pose some hazards; a bargain, bill or mutual effort may have a hidden flaw. Back off if you are not sure. Going by the book, not rewriting it, will create your most successful story tonight.
Tuesday June 14, 2011
Today is about transiting to a new, healthier, home “psychic environment.” You can either wait for things to change on their own, or instead be a force of nature and have a hand in creating a more positive energy flow. With a bit of foresight, you orchestrate info and people effectively now. A new development afar helps you & allies reach a consensus. Being tactful today keeps signals clear and bridges misunderstandings.
Wednesday June 15, 2011 Full Moon (Sag) Lunar Eclipse
You’re entering a phase of repolarization; it’s about transiting to a new, healthier “psychic environment.” You can either wait for things to change on their own, or instead be a force of nature and have a hand in creating a more positive energy flow. You avoid a bumpy ride now by paying close attention to details and verifying critical data. Important words spoken directly without too much emotion, perhaps in a high-powered setting, go over best.
Thursday June 16, 2011
Today, don’t get upset if solutions to complex issues elude you, you’re not off your game, you just need to play by different rules—put off decisions until you have all the facts and discussed potential scenarios with your support team. Gently and calmly countering a VIP’s or ally’s doom-&-gloom outlook with a more upbeat take on the situation brightens today’s mood. All you need to do now is look for the silver lining and you’ll find it.
Friday June 17, 2011
Today your inventive creative ideas need extra power to fly. Refuse to take “No” for an answer, and entrust yourself to the spontaneous life urges from within to make your pitch. Even if you lack help, go back to basics and you’ll finally wrap up a home or job project. A trip or visit connects you to money or bargains. Your keen ESP points to thrifty ways to beautify your home or make a fresh beginning. News you get wind of about someone near and dear is delightful.
Saturday June 18, 2011
Reality TV is based on a very ancient and basic process: first there’s the “show” than there’s the “judgment.” Today is an important time of decision-making. You’ll be finishing up dangling preliminaries and then “on the wings of angels” zooming forward. Staying home may have you feeling listless, even down in the dumps. A change—eating out, exercise, a walk—lifts your spirits and restores vigor. Connecting with work pals now pays off in a job tip or offer.