Aries Weekly: June 5 – June 11, 2011

On June 5, 2011, in Aries, by David Shepard

Sunday June 5, 2011
Thinking too much about the past prevents change.  Today, you’re going through an intense mental metamorphosis, a scenario of caterpillar into butterfly in the realm of the mind.  Old emotional wounds are becoming bold new concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can take flight.  Visits, calls and being out and about keep you happy, stimulated and in-the-know now.  But, costly entertainment probably won’t be worth the price.  In-depth discussions strengthen bonds teetering on the brink.


Monday June 6, 2011
Individuals who have entered into a new realm of spiritual Soul-work, usually find themselves alienated from their social environment. In a sense they “live in the world’ but “are not of the world.”  Today, you’re a bit of a “stranger in a strange land.”   Be cautiou$ now; risky schemes or purchases could overextend you.  Calling on past experiences or a deep inner knowing of the heart helps you steer a creative idea from rough to tranquil seas.  This evening, your caring words bring family members closer together.


Tuesday June 7, 2011
All cyclic manifestations of the human mind have had a primordial revelatory Source. Today, take a wild stab at getting in contact with this Source and acquiring what might be called seed knowledge. The dynamic energy and creative input you bring to a group effort is awesome and makes everybody look good.  You reach a beautiful understanding or gain valuable assistance simply by asking for it.  An everyday associate delivers news that is lucky for your plans.  Talking shop this evening leads to breakthrough thinking.


Wednesday June 8, 2011
A difficult situation in which there’s been much waste is beginning to change for the better. Today, you are apt to rush around in circles and get very little accomplished.  Stay flexible, as mix-ups can occur.  Your power is returning, and it’s now possible to shape situations to your liking via assimilation of new resources.  A no-nonsense plan of action and adhering to your set of priorities makes every move, and dollar, count.


Thursday June 9, 2011
Any venture now requires a strong inner conviction of your correctness. You must assume that you are acting with the collective force behind you. If you feel unconnected from others then you must make it a point to find and experience the powerful resource, center point, inherent in humanity and yourself.   Open dialogues strengthen relationships and rebuild your self-confidence.  Rather than competing for the spotlight, just be yourself and it will find you naturally.  A call or visit uncovers a pleasant surprise.


Friday June 10, 2011
You are in the midst of quickly expanding social and career-oriented interests. The influence you can now gain over others will propel you into a position of exceptional prominence. By maintaining a virtuous and high-minded sense of social progress, you’ll attract the support you need, and your actions will be revered and emulated.   Your commitment is important to those at the top.  But, make sure you are on the same page before you forge a business accord or link up with someone new.  Calls and visits help you tie up loose ends this evening.


Saturday June 11, 2011
Today, anxiety and strife will give way if you take firm, aggressive action.  It’s time to clear the air of mistakes and resentments. This should be done decisively and without hesitation in an attempt to return your life to normal as soon as possible. The timely execution of your “liberation from difficulty” is essential to future success.   Aries’ persuasiveness gets others to play ball now—and on the same team.  A gift, favor or kind word puts an alliance on good terms and could pay surprising returns.  Going Dutch delivers more for less.


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