Gemini Weekly: May 22 – May 28, 2011

On May 22, 2011, in Gemini, by David Shepard

Sunday May 22, 2011
Today is about your participation in a greater life, i.e., feeling a part of the vast tide of human evolution. So often we’re so assailed by meaninglessness and futility that we give in to a tragic sense of alienation. Now, build on the inner connections that powerfully link you to the destiny of others; you’re fortunate in obtaining favors or financial support via confidential sources. Time may be running out on a big decision. Safety lies in tried-and-true routes and reliable sources—and keeping secrets. Someone near and dear to you has comforting words or an idea that proves fun.

Monday May 23, 2011
Like two lovers strolling on a secluded walk, you need “inner intimacy” and the personal empowerment that comes from reflective seclusion. Today, you’re undergoing a profound re-balancing of the powerful yin-yang energies of your life, and a temporary withdrawal from your usual routine will benefit you. You’re lucky when it comes to relationships now. As you mingle, travel or seek out friends, you shape the future brilliantly. Be alert—you could be let in on a valuable secret that enhances your plans.

Tuesday May 24, 2011
Today is your “baptism of fire.” Before you’ve been toying with new possibilities, now you’ve reached the point of fighting for a new dimension of self-expression—congratulations, you’re creative, competitive juices are truly mobilized, and you’re actively meeting the world head-on. Accept a challenge even if you’re unsure: peers are ready to back you. It is the quality time you give to others that counts now; but don’t neglect your own personal needs. This evening’s celebration is delightful!

Wednesday May 25, 2011
Individuation operates at first as a one-pointed or one-sided drive focusing itself upon an exclusive goal. Today, you must decide what is absolutely most important to you and exclude the rest for the time being. You discover that a higher-up has cast an admiring eye on you now. And, your in-depth detective work or strong hunch enables you to unearth much-needed indicator$. Sharing secrets spurs intimacy.

Thursday May 26, 2011
What you’ll realize today is your capacity to be living two separate, but interdependent, lives. You can express yourself effectively at two levels simultaneously—this is the primary goal of religion as well as magic. Have faith in the direction you’ve chosen and your capabilities to act decisively, even if you’re feeling dispirited. Accenting mutual interests with those in power prompts them to back your aims. Changes on the career scene benefit you. Guarding a secret or verifying gossip this evening prevents a backlash of recrimination later.

Friday May 27, 2011
The development of consciousness requires a perfect balance of being open and sensitive to spiritual energies, while at the same time being grounded and protected. Today, you find your “balance” and walk that edge perfectly! If someone near and dear takes a misstep, offer a helping hand and encouragement to lift him or her up again; you will make a real difference. Your bold approach, not a pal’s advice, takes you to a key goal now.

Saturday May 28, 2011
Today’s focus is on the correct nourishing of yourself and others. By cultivating productive strategies and opinions you attract Lady Luck into your life and a long-desired wish comes true before your very eyes! Your ideas and goals strongly impact others now. Friends hop on your bandwagon. An inspiring brainstorming session produces innovative plans for a long-range success. Plans for a trip are lucky.


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