Sunday May 15, 2011
Today is about transiting to a new, healthier, home “psychic environment.” You can either wait for things to change on their own, or instead be a force of nature and have a hand in creating a more positive energy flow. Initiating a joint effort boosts productivity and ups your reputation several notches now. Your ideas and goals strongly impact others now. Someone afar opens up lucky options. Reaching out leads to support for an innovative long-range plan. A newcomer could become a true-blue friend.
Monday May 16, 2011
You’re entering a phase of repolarization; it’s about transiting to a new, healthier “psychic environment.” You can either wait for things to change on their own, or instead be a force of nature and have a hand in creating a more positive energy flow. Pull strings confidently now. Your words work like a charm and influence outcomes. Lines of communication buzz with lucky messages for you. Today, your bold moves gain the response or price you hoped for.
Tuesday May 17, 2011 Full Moon in Scorpio
Today, don’t get upset if solutions to complex issues elude you, you’re not off your game, you just need to play by different rules—put off decisions until you have all the facts and discussed potential scenarios with your support team. Dress up now; your words and image will help reboot your strengths. You avoid a bumpy ride now by paying close attention to details and verifying critical data. Important words spoken directly without too much emotion, perhaps in a high-powered setting, go over best.
Wednesday May 18, 2011
Today your inventive creative ideas need extra power to fly. Refuse to take “No” for an answer, and entrust yourself to the spontaneous life urges from within to make your pitch. Your sensitivity to others’ desires as you clearly air your own priorities impresses and draws them closer to you. Make a bold move if you need $upport—an authority figure is likely to be in generous mood.
Thursday May 19, 2011
Reality TV is based on a very ancient and basic process: first there’s the “show” than there’s the “judgment.” Today is an important time of decision-making. You’ll be finishing up dangling preliminaries and then “on the wings of angels” zooming forward. Your charm and allure are irresistible—winning you fans everywhere you go. A colleague who’s been only mildly attentive now listens intently. Watch personal effects, though, and insist on top quality today.
Friday May 20, 2011
Decision-making or jump-starting your life doesn’t have to be a painful, drawn-out process, especially in the hands of observer-wise Pisces. Today, you show others how reorientation is done, as you successfully and “joyfully” launch yourself in a new direction. Friendships blossom as wishes are shared in meaningful conversations. A plan you map out makes a long-time dream a reality. Your quick action fends off difficulties with a credit or insurance matter.
Saturday May 21, 2011 The Sun goes into Gemini
Life confronts us with a paradox: As long as we restlessly search for greater horizons, we’re confused by our searching, but if we become “still,” we gain elevation and become at-one with the consciousness of a greater whole. Your carefully chosen, kind words touch family, friends and colleagues deeply, and after much convincing a wish finally is granted. You’re the activity director on a project, and others gladly follow your lead.