Cancer Weekly: May 1 – May 7, 2011

On May 1, 2011, in Cancer, by David Shepard

Sunday May 1, 2011 May Day
Yesterday, you witnessed your Soul influence spiritually “descending,” today witness your egoic influence spiritually “ascending.” Every human being is potentially divine, but it’s an unavoidable reality that evolving through a natural progression of states of consciousness takes time, perseverance, but most of all acceptance. By focusing on “changing only what you’re capable of changing” gains you access to top brass who have the knowledge and funds to help you succeed. A business/pleasure mix advances your future plans. A pleasant trip you take or film you watch is a voyage of discovery.

Monday May 2, 2011 New Moon (Taurus)
People talk about living in the moment, this can be carried too far. The present is always seeded with the future—there are natural facts and laws of a higher order (wisdom) that allow us to plan in advance, and encourage us to evolve more quickly. It’s truly a spiritual experience to anticipate, to be visionary, to prophesize, to cultivate an awareness of cyclic processes. It’s an excellent day to strengthen rapport with friends and associates. The bonds of understanding are strongly fused and will hold, even when tested by great distance. And, faraway news reports a goal is met.

Tuesday May 3, 2011
One of humanity’s greatest contributions to nature is “technique” or alchemy. Through a combination of social and cultural, and even personal techniques, we are continually short-cutting, “quickening,” the process of natural evolution. Today, your ideas and goals strongly impact others. Networking opens new, far-reaching possibilities for you. Good news signals a future plan is a “Go.” Promises or term$ are likely to be unclear; insist that everything be spelled out before make a decision.

Wednesday May 4, 2011
Inner happiness is the reward for all individuals who have made a valuable “contribution” to their community or to mankind as a whole. Today, two complementary aspects of spiritual reality—yin and yang, feminine and masculine, dark and light, etc., however you may conceive them—are united; this union results in happiness or bliss. Certain pals or associates might be unreliable or moody now. Remaining focused on personal account$ is vital to keeping everything balanced. Your charm and tact give you added influence and clout.

Thursday May 5, 2011 Cinco de Mayo
What we’re most in need of learning is how to use the power generated by human togetherness and group interplay, to use it harmoniously for the welfare of the whole of which all individuals are parts, the Family of Humanity and the planet Earth. A group’s power furthers your long-term plans—they hold the promise of brighter tomorrows. Something you have wanted since childhood now is within reach. You go for it on your own, but you are not alone. This evening, a decision-maker sees your efforts and helps you refine or even expand your vision.

Friday May 6, 2011
Creativity is a magnet for people’s attention, it triggers a person’s deep-seated spiritual need to feel authentic, real. Taking action from a place of profound inner inspiration helps you focus your creativity on tough obstacles. Your behind-the-scenes strategy puts you in the driver’s seat on an important career plan. Through confidential sources, you gain a key advantage that wipes away a nagging worry. You win a new fan this evening.

Saturday May 7, 2011
The difficulty for the modern individual is keeping secret their private past or deeper motives. Today, you’re involved in the unmasking or publicizing of past behavior—yours or another’s; have it be a teachable moment, not sensationalism. As you work solo and probe for answers to a crucial question, you fit together many puzzle pieces. If someone close lets you down or dampens your spirits, expressing your needs will rebuild rapport now. Too much time at home is likely to cause cabin fever or a bout of negative feelings, so get out.


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