Sunday April 10, 2011
You are returning to the beginning of yet another cycle in your life, after what may have seemed a long period of heavy responsibilities or frustration. Although you may be quite anxious to proceed with your plans, you must keep in mind that things are just at their beginnings. Take it slowly with risky or emotionally-charged matters. As tensions arise, some things are better left unsaid. Your focus on priority goals makes tomorrow brighter. Be sure you include all in a social plan.
Monday April 11, 2011
Today, it should be a relatively simple matter to bring together groups of people in social or public-minded situations. By penetrating the psyche of each individual involved, you can arrange to gratify their needs within the group mechanism and thereby gain their co-operation. Confusion around a hoped-for financial development or stalled team venture is a signal to regroup and reprioritize. Acting on a group’s or pal’s tip could lead you to a dead end. Caution makes you a winner.
Tuesday April 12, 2011
Gemini’s adventurous ambitions are fueled by a noble quest for freedom; but it’s of equal importance that the need for creating unity and community is related to as well. The individual human spirit is nourished by a sense of connectedness to the whole of human awareness. Adopting this perspective will enhance your sense of direction. Today, you easily break the ice with one who once seemed chilly. Lucky news signals a wish is about to come true. While brainstorming with comrades, you map a winning romantic or artistic game plan.
Wednesday April 13, 2011
By fostering altruistic motivations you make yourself radiant and influential. By developing sincere loyalties you make yourself strong in character. By examining your relationship with your fellow man and today’s events, you bring even greater momentum to your inner spiritual development. Meeting friends or attending a social function puts you in high spirits and in line to hear good news. Overdoing it or rushing tasks can sap your energy, though. A relative or pal is happy to help.
Thursday April 14, 2011
Today, you’re in the midst of an intense process of transmutation—your emotional energies are being realigned to more adequately reflect your Soul purpose. Don’t be surprised if you physically feel as though you’re riding a roller coaster. Your practical ideas and solutions are the fuels that keep a team effort strong. Gathering together people and talents gets a project off the shelf and into the starting gate. Your projection$ induce a decision-maker to fulfill your request$. You might even receive some overdue praise.
Friday April 15, 2011
We’re constantly being asked to “manage” a great deal in our everyday living—our possessions and security, as well as our ideas, emotions, and passions. Use your intellectual and spiritual powers of observation, analysis and balance today to check on how effective your energies are in achieving your goals. It’s easy to lose ambition and clarity today. Staying focused and not giving up on your dreams steer you toward the path to success. Your firm grasp of reality is what enables you to excel in key areas of life now.
Saturday April 16, 2011
Gemini has a real desire to revolutionize and excel; you’re often quick to pick-up on cutting-edge trends that represent our future, and yet at the same time hold on to and perfect those sustaining, traditional themes from other eras in our distant past. Today, you zero in on the timeless authentic emotions that bridge the two perspectives and fuel humanity’s evolutionary march forward. Others may be well-meaning, yet also be unreliable. Betting on what seems like a sure thing is likely to co$t you and pals. Too much socializing is apt to keep your from what counts, such as TLC for a loved one.