Sunday April 3, 2011 New Moon (Aries)
The Aquarian Age is about humanity bridging physical space and social distinction—developing new forms of relating and communicating. In the not-so-distant future we’ll be moving from wireless to a telepathic way of sharing. Listen to your ESP today and share with others your insight; it’s revealing to you and “us” what’s to come. Travel and communication delays could require that you rethink a plan. But, your knowledge of the city or $ources enables you to adjust brilliantly. A sale price is well worth it; just make sure shipping and mailing costs are reasonable.
Monday April 4, 2011
By being around like-minded people today, you clarify your vision. Transcendent experiences need to be tested and validated via communication. One of the greatest discoveries of modern philosophy is the interdependency of perception and communication. Good things come to those who are willing to make changes today. You spot value others don’t see in a project. By tying up the loose ends of a joint effort, you reduce bills and worries. Family nurtures you now.
Tuesday April 5, 2011
What you’ve recently “discovered” needs to be discussed, tested through an intellectual exchange, and then “exteriorized.” This implies the act of dealing with those who are still unaware of the new knowledge or realization, and requires your emotional dramatization of the issues at stake. Your keen timing puts you in fortune’s path. Buy and sell signs are posted now—use your $avvy skills to best advantage. As you pursue an enterprise or a hunch, you find rewards are within your reach.
Wednesday April 6, 2011
Thinking too much about the past prevents change. Today, you’re going through an intense mental metamorphosis, a scenario of caterpillar into butterfly in the realm of the mind. Old emotional wounds are becoming bold new concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can take flight. Your and a colleague’s joint effort enables you to get a project flying high now. The solid foundation you lay now for a pending change eases a worry. Fitness and family go hand-in-hand to boost your mood.
Thursday April 7, 2011
Individuals who have entered into a new realm of spiritual Soul-work usually find themselves alienated from their social environment. In a sense they “live in the world’ but “are not of the world.” Today, you’re a bit of a “stranger in a strange land.” Be cautiou$ now; risky schemes or purchases could overextend you. Calling on past experiences or a deep inner knowing of the heart helps you steer a creative idea from rough to tranquil seas. Meetings, calls and e-mails bring news that proves beneficial to you.
Friday April 8, 2011
All cyclic manifestations of the human mind have had a primordial revelatory Source. Today, take a wild stab at getting in contact with this Source and acquiring what might be called seed knowledge. The dynamic energy and creative input you bring to a group effort is awesome and makes everybody look good. News from a distance or a call you receive now reveals there are lucky developments on the horizon. Openly airing your feelings and letting another know how deeply you care set off romantic fireworks this evening.
Saturday April 9, 2011
A difficult situation in which there’s been much waste is beginning to change for the better. Your power is returning, and it’s now possible to shape situations to your liking via assimilation of new resources. Focusing on your health and well-being is favored now—whether you start a new diet or invest in self-improvement, the results will please you. This evening, verify news—there likely is more than meets the eye.