Sunday April 3, 2011 New Moon (Aries)
Are there crisis without resolutions? In the realm of archetypal principles and forms, “Never!” This is because humanity’s consciousness is deeply rooted in a foundation of wholeness and evolutionary development. Today, Leo taps into and draws upon these spiritual forces of transformation. Busy signals, traffic jams and misunderstandings might run rampant. But, your patience and organization turn the tide of fortune your way. A sudden flash of insight answers tough questions now.
Monday April 4, 2011
In our modern industrial society where policy changes and decisions often take several years to reach full actualization, it has become essential to plan with an eye on probable future developments. This is a day is set your sights on the horizon! Your sensitivity to others’ desires as you clearly air your own priorities impresses and draws them closer to you. Make a bold move if you need $upport—an authority figure is likely to be in generous mood.
Tuesday April 5, 2011
Today, you’re attuned to the “big picture.” By focusing on the greater good for humanity instead of your own personal desires, you open new channels of opportunity that can take you far. This is an ideal day to share ideas and branch out across the miles, cultures and ideologies—new viewpoints and experiences are enlightening. Not only is your idea good, you also possess the skill and strategy to make it work, and your $avvy gets an executive nod. A spur-of-the-moment move succeeds, and talking shop brings you a promising tip.
Wednesday April 6, 2011
Today, is a “rebirth moment.” You’re on a quest for the psychic and mental equivalent of solar light and warmth. Leo’s creative instincts get to the heart of the matter in solving a pressing project or domestic issue. Getting out on your own or taking an action behind closed doors helps you overturn obstacles at work and stay on schedule. Stepping into the spotlight, front and center, gains you a lot of ardent admirers.
Thursday April 7, 2011
Today, you’re involved in a delicate balancing act centered around protectiveness—protection is valuable, but it also evokes the negative possibility that too much protection may be unhealthy and defeat its purpose. By knowing and respecting your limits, you avoid getting caught up in paternalism or fool-hearty rebellion, and walk a fine line gracefully. Networking opens new, far-reaching possibilities for you. Good news signals a future plan is a “Go.” Promises or term$ are likely to be unclear; insist that everything be spelled out before make a decision.
Friday April 8, 2011
We don’t like thinking about it, but humanity’s survival has become a matter of extreme importance—it’s an inconvenient truth. Our technological society is polluting not only our global environment, but the mind and feeling-responses of new generations as well. Today, a new spirit of brotherhood gives your personal agenda a fresh lease on life. A stranger or somebody faraway plays a major role in advancing your dreams now. Experts or colleagues have key advice to help you make the right choices. You win new fans now at a social event.
Saturday April 9, 2011
Because you are in possession of a great deal of stored or potential energy, you may be undertaking ambitious and far reaching endeavors. Today, you open astonishing new dimensions to your circle of influence. You skillfully organize others into a useful network of social exchange. Your intuitive powers peak, and insights you have about taking life-changing steps steer you in the right direction. By settling an old debt now, you’re able to start journey on more stable footing.