Taurus Weekly: Mar 20 – Mar 26, 2011

On March 20, 2011, in Taurus, by David Shepard

Sunday March 20, 2011 —The Spring Equinox—The Sun goes into Aries
Let the fun begin! Today, your openness to alternative realities and higher forms of existence is put to the test. There’s so much more to life than everyday survival mode, but we must be willing to let “life/being” in, and accept the added attention it attracts. The pressure to succeed could be wearing you down. But a new job approach, fitness outlet or pet project relieves any tensions and revs you up. Being of service to others this evening makes you feel better, too.

Monday March 21, 2011
What’s stressed today is the ‘closing of accounts, a final evaluation of the harvest.’ Events are a preparatory stage before entering into a new community. You’ll soon be participating in a new network, socially, career-wise, and spiritually. Lending a helping hand to a parental figure puts you on friendlier terms. A new diet or fitness regimen shows promise. A trip or plan should be carefully mapped out today. Confirming details is crucial.

Tuesday March 22, 2011
Today, unexpected events or rumors regarding your work are apt to stir up worries. At the same time, pressures to get on with a pet project mount. Take heart that we’re always protected; you’ll benefit greatly now by trusting in the loving support that flows from your Soul. Socializing is your cup of tea now—display your zest for life, love and friendship. But, also set aside time for your self or to be with someone privately—it results in lucky progress toward a cherished wish.

Wednesday March 23, 2011
“We are really not human beings on a spiritual journey …but rather spiritual beings on a human journey.” Think of yourself as enduring, “lasting”—the love that moves through your heart is indestructible and on a quest for Beauty. You may find yourself nitpicking or fussing over the “small stuff.” So, with bosses or a parental figure be the bridge-builder by remaining tactful. And, some quiet time keeps you focused and on target for some key changes.

Thursday March 24, 2011
What’s emphasized today is the need to establish more dynamic relationships in your life that will eventually address every aspect of your being, so that you’re constantly involved in an unceasing interchange of ideas and heart-felt emotions. Such a state is not tiring, it’s pure grace.
While enjoying the great outdoors or during a private rendezvous, insights come to light that free you from worry. Timely changes you make in a secret plan today give it an even greater chance to succeed.

Friday March 25, 2011
Too often the focus of religion is about “pleasing a distant God.” Your actions are beginning to embody a “greater Presence,” an authentic inner authority, that’s not about pleasing or calling upon the unknown, but comes from following the beat of your own inner drum—the heart. Strong support from a powerful person enables you to press ahead with a career or $-ambition. And, an expert’s advice or your instincts help you put a far-reaching issue in proper perspective this evening.

Saturday March 26, 2011
You’ve been carrying around lot of responsibilities lately that relates to your own individuation process. Life will become much “lighter” and “easier” as you envision your efforts as serving the needs of an emerging “community.” Distant or misinformed persons can put your long-term strategy at risk. You are smart not to get swept up into schemes and rumors. In fact, your discretion is highly appreciated by someone you look up to.


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