Aquarius Weekly: Mar 13 – Mar 19, 2011

On March 13, 2011, in Aquarius, by David Shepard

Sunday March 13, 2011
There presently exist the ideal conditions for new awakenings, healthy growth, and progressive plans. You now have a responsibility to undertake difficult tasks, to be tolerant of all people, and to promote far-reaching visions. Criticism and gossip may have repercussions today; you rise above it all by staying positive. Being organized and following your schedule to a “T” help you juggle many balls—but relaxation is vital, too!

Monday March 14, 2011
Today, Aquarius is focused on developing insight and mindfulness: You create within yourself the clarity of pure value and appreciation, which facilitates your dealings with all aspects of your environment. It’s being in a natural accord with the cosmos that is enhanced at this time. Though you might not feel like your peppy self now, get out and shine. There are places to go and people to see, and they’ll stimulate you and even lead to fresh opportunities. A long-distance call delights.

Tuesday March 15, 2011
There is now a dynamic emphasis on both inner and outer growth. You’ll gain great clarity about your identity and your place in the larger scheme of things. Physical and spiritual strength will be enhanced as you sense a promotion into new worlds of self-realization. Boldly airing your ideas sets progress in motion quickly. A buy or date is timely now. New data shakes an ob$tacle loose and swings open a door of opportunity. A short jaunt with good company delights.

Wednesday March 16, 2011
Today’s events bring up feelings of “belonging” to a large, organized, peaceful whole. Your Aquarius talent for diplomacy avails itself to the family of humanity in an unconventional way. What most people don’t realize is you’re a bit of a rebel, who enjoys shaking things up for the sake of the greater good. Correspondence, documents or meetings seal a positive, lasting agreement. And, a new or distant association blossoms. This day’s impassioned speech or exciting trip gets lucky results for you.

Thursday March 17, 2011
Challenges give us the opportunity to show off our true character. Adopting roles and identities is more often about standing out than disguise, or more importantly intensifying passion. “Life is a stage,” and our role-playing is necessary, thus, we might as well get really good at it. A gift or favor touches you deeply now. Someone who is blue appreciates your devotion. As you get past whatever has been separating you and another, you reap pleasure—and profits. A hunch pays off.

Friday March 18, 2011
This is a time of making adjustments and seizing opportunities. Wherever you are, whatever life throws at you, remember it’s always possible to have the experience of personal peace and inner contentment—just by knowing yourself. Busy signals, traffic jams and misunderstandings might run rampant today. But, your patience and organization turn the tide of fortune your way. A sudden flash of insight answers tough questions this evening.

Saturday March 19, 2011 Full Moon
Ideally a new beginning should come about as the result of good intentions or an open mind. But these are complicated times and habits from the past have to end before we can embrace the future. Someone you relied on may not be able to come through. Take changes and delays in stride. Unfamiliar matter$ pose some hazards; a bargain, bill or mutual effort may have a hidden flaw. Back off if you are not sure. Going by the book, not rewriting it, will create your most successful story this evening.


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