Sunday February 27, 2011
Beyond all efforts lies the need for Soul connection and the readiness to accept an illumination from above. Today, what matters most is to present a calm mind through which a supernal light may be channeled. As you capitalize on the new team spirit related to work or your ‘to-do list’, others fall in step with your desired changes. This evening, a heart-to-heart talk wipes away a recent misunderstanding with a relative, neighbor or associate.
Monday February 28, 2011
Society both perverts and repairs, destroys and rebuilds the natural life force—truly a vicious, but oftentimes necessary productive, cycle. It is paradoxical that we are compelled by social needs to display our inventiveness to “fuel” our collective growing, and at the same time respond to the karmic repercussions that our ambitions incur. Today, your creative ideas are inspired from on high, you shift into overdrive and fuel job output as others’ assistance becomes available. A day when favors, funds and accords are easily attained if you act fast. Sign up to participate in a joint $-venture.
Tuesday March 1, 2011
Civilizations or communities have their own unique “essence.” This essence emerges from individuals uniting, participating together in some common activity and knowing deeply their shared “communion” and sense of purpose. You shine by joining in, and making the most of today’s congenial climate. Your efficiency and ability to gain cooperation from co-workers earn praise from a VIP who has been keeping an eye on you. This evening, family affairs may have to wait as you climb the career ladder of success.
Wednesday March 2, 2011
“The healing of suffering” and a deep concern for the rebirth of individuals resides at the core of the hyper-creative Leo psyche. Today, you are a spiritual “way-shower” in that your feelings of personal love are based on a profound sense of Soul responsibility and produced by a dramatic desire for interrelatedness. Your persuasiveness gets others to play ball now—and on the same team. A gift, favor or kind word puts an alliance on good terms and could pay surprising returns. Going Dutch delivers more for less.
Thursday March 3, 2011
Today, be willing to step outside of the everyday, familiar patterns of behavior. You’re a catalysis for change that’s creating more security by moving relationships and ideas into new territories. This means presenting finances and your self in a different light. Your nose for news and resource$ sparks a breakthrough in a job assignment. As you talk with those in the know, promising plans for the future emerge. This evening’s adventures or studies expand you mentally.
Friday March 4, 2011
Spiritual intuition (which is a Soul technology) is a powerful tool; and even more necessary to our success than intellectual analysis. Today, you’re brilliantly insightful, and have an intuitive understanding of how everything is related to everything else—“the big picture.” It’s a day to go on a financial diet and start tightening your belt. Hastiness to achieve a priority is apt to prove costly. By tying up loose ends of a collaborative venture and calming others’ fear, worry begins to fade.
Saturday March 5, 2011
The growth of “community consciousness” requires the constant development of more efficient means of communicating and sharing feelings and ideas. It’s one thing to establish these new channels of connecting with others; it’s another to use them wisely in understanding which perspective is best. Don’t believe all you read and hear; be sure you double-check the facts today. And, do not give up halfway now. As you gather key information and go that extra mile, you brilliantly execute a plan close to your heart.