Libra Weekly: Feb 6 – Feb 12, 2011

On February 6, 2011, in Libra, by David Shepard

Sunday February 6, 2011
Carefully consider what to devote yourself to today. The week begins with a wonderful window of opportunity to re-energize your life and accomplish much: Vital relaxation and socializing vs. pursuing and completing an intellectual or physical challenge. Honestly assess you needs and choose one or the other and stay committed over the next few days.
Keep reminding yourself you’re not alone. The security you seek is not just about money, but actually a feeling of togetherness—the fellowship that comes with the fulfillment of a common work and achievement. Today, either or directly, you’re standing united with many men and women in their dedication to a shared ideal, and this creates a momentum of change for the better. A family matter or special venture needs your deft touch to make it click. Dress to the hilt and step into the limelight now: your seductive charm is a powerful magnet for romantic attention and interludes.

Monday February 7, 2011
Where does humanity stand in relation to nature? In a matter of few generations the lines between participation with nature vs. control over nature—evolution vs. devolution—have become extremely blurry. Today, relax and try going with the flow; appreciate that what you’re undergoing is not about mentally willing yourself, but rather the natural process of “rebirth.”
You and key people are in the process of getting in sync now. Sharing what’s in your heart brings clarity and resolves any disagreement. An innovative idea you come up with t is a winner, whether for a project or love.

Tuesday February 8, 2011
Too often Libra will motivate oneself via duality—going back and forth between the carrot and the stick—which produces a vicious, fast-paced, treadmill lifestyle. Today, ease up and escape from the routine of business or school; get the feeling of the free flow of energies. This releases your “natural” intelligence and beauty. A collaboration or partnership you enter into now shows promise. Your cooperative attitude sparks teamwork that gets a job project done. This evening, you gain by being dutiful and productive.

Wednesday February 9, 2011
For Libra, this is a time of great healing, renewal and transformation in relation to changes at home or getting an important project off the drawing board.
Astrology is about observation—nature or life triggers the imagination—you see an opportunity and your imagination sets off emotions to help you seize it. Over the past few days, you may have overlooked an opportunity that has come your way or you, and your talents, may have been overlooked by others. You’re an “in-charge” go-getter today and have exactly what it takes to gather outside resources and get plans and projects wrapped up. A youngster or an amor who is blue needs your attention this evening.

Thursday February 10, 2011
A new cycle is beginning today; it may be a bit bumpy until you get the gist of what’s being asked of you. Libra needs to pay particular attention to something or someone you need to let go of.
You’re able to competently handle just about every facet of your life, except for the one facing you now. Your confusion over the difficulties and complexities of the coming event is not caused by ignorance, evil, or laziness, but rather by your complete inexperience in dealing with such matters. What seems like a “no-win” situation changes quickly once you step in an outsider steps out. Your sensitive handling of a $-deal or love tiff saves the day. Overtime alleviates a burden tonight.

Friday February 11, 2011
Today, your ‘release” of higher energies becomes effective and valuable to the extent to which it serves a higher, but concrete and definite, purpose. This is the ideal of Libra in the role of world server, creating new networks that can be used for commerce or healing. Your resourcefulness, intuition and versatile communication skills peak now. Minimizing debt and keeping important work in your own hands protect you. Changes or joint dealings you rush into may prove costly. Don’t take details for granted. Tonight a Dutch treat is best.

Saturday February 12, 2011
Today, you’re an emotional virtuoso. You have the audacity and perseverance required to control and play with the powerful energies of the vital realm in human existence. Your ego is a “good steward”, serving a higher purpose related to Soul-work and the “rebirth” of Love and understanding. News from afar reveals a lucky trend for a long-term, personal or creative plan—perhaps a mentor or newcomer who presents new options. Your charm and persuasiveness sway a decision-maker this evening.


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