Aries Weekly: Feb 6 – Feb 12, 2011

On February 6, 2011, in Aries, by David Shepard

Sunday February 6, 2011
Carefully consider what to devote yourself to today. The week begins with a wonderful window of opportunity to re-energize your life and accomplish much: Vital relaxation and socializing vs. pursuing and completing an intellectual or physical challenge. Honestly assess you needs and choose one or the other and stay committed over the next few days.
Creativity is a magnet for people’s attention, it triggers a person’s deep-seated spiritual need to feel authentic, real. Taking action from a place of profound inner inspiration helps you focus your creativity on tough obstacles. You may feel pressured by a parental or authority figure. Assistance can be had from peers and allies who understand what is needed—and how best to get it. A social date or meet-and-greet uplifts your spirits.

Monday February 7, 2011
The difficulty for the modern individual is to keep secret his private past or his deeper motives. Today, you’re involved in the unmasking or publicizing of past behavior—yours or another’s; have it be a teachable moment, not sensationalism. As you work solo and probe for answers to a crucial question, you fit together many puzzle pieces. It’s best to not force issues with VIPs now, even if it seems you have the upper hand. You need hand. You need to let your hair down and relax. A social call or gathering is perfect for making you feel like your self again.

Tuesday February 8, 2011
Karmic visitations are a constant occurrence, but not all “visitations” are obviously equal, in how we’re challenged, and need to respond. Life is made up of varying degrees of intensities. Today, you bring much skill and courage to the table to radically change the confusing patterns of the past. A “new you” is emerging now—one with greater power and confidence. A perfect day to spread goodwill and as you do, you’ll enjoy a great sense of achievement. You know which ideas are right. A key wish is near and you intuitively feel it—take action.

Wednesday February 9, 2011
For Aries, this is a time of great healing, renewal and transformation in relation to you assuming a leadership position.
There is now a dynamic emphasis on inner growth. You will gain great clarity about your identity and your place in the larger scheme of things. Physical and spiritual strength will be enhanced as you sense a promotion into new worlds of self-realization. Today, your ambitious career efforts or personal enterprise speeds your ri$e. A boss’s counsel on reaching your dreams rings truer than a colleague’s. If pals irk you tonight find an alternative activity.

Thursday February 10, 2011
A new cycle is beginning today; it may be a bit bumpy until you get the gist of what’s being asked of you. Aries needs to pay particular attention to your finances and so-called ‘money-making opportunities.’
Although you may be quite anxious to proceed with your plans, you must keep in mind that things are just at their beginnings. Others’ commotion needs to be shut out now so you can tune in to solutions you need. A peer’s prompting could lead you a$tray; your inner voice guides you right. Working behind the scenes, you score a big victory.

Friday February 11, 2011
Today, it should be a relatively simple matter to bring together groups of people in social or public-minded situations. By penetrating the psyche of each individual involved, you can arrange to gratify their needs within the group mechanism and thereby gain their co-operation. Choosing to heed your logic over feelings is vital now. You breathe easier as you get to the bottom line of things—news, losses, rumors—and find the truth. And this evening practicality keeps your funds safe and sound

Saturday February 12, 2011
Aries’ adventurous exploits are fueled by a noble quest for freedom; but it’s of equal importance that the need for creating unity is related to as well. The individual human spirit is nourished by a sense of connectedness to the whole of human awareness. Adopting this perspective will enhance your sense of direction. Your power lies in your persuasive communication today! The more people you reach out to, the greater the benefits. Calls or visits to a relative or pal bring you luck. And, an Internet connection should prove fruitful.


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