Thought for the Day: Sun Jan 9, 2011

On January 9, 2011, in Star-Zine, by David Shepard

Our own Heart always exceeds us. ―Rainer Maria Rilke

If there is any one central realization that must come out of our current ecological, bodily, economic, and psychological crises, it’s that heartfelt networking, or dialoguing is an indispensable part of being in a universe where all is interrelated. Unilateral action, or authoritarian action, is an invitation to disaster*. You see this need for heart connection coming up on every level of human relationship: between Humanity and Nature; between yourself and others (as an individual and a lover, as a parent and a child, as brother or a sister, as a boss and an employee, etc.); or within yourself, between your ego and Soul (as a body and a spirit, as an unconsciousness and a consciousness, as an embodiment of everyday existence and also the mythos of our time). It’s the denying of these relationships, the refusal to be open, to exchange, to share Light and Love that spells disaster in both our outer and inner life. What seems most essential, as I perceive it, is that we pursue the consciousness of ‘holism’—that we develop an awareness of every facet and movement of our existence, which means giving our Intuitive Mind, aka. our heart wisdom, full expression. For it is only in the crucible of the heart that this unifying alchemy of Love and Light can fully unfold and heal the wounds of our past and present failures.

The Heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe. ―Joanna Rogers Macy

* The word “disaster” in Latin is dis-aster, and means “against the stars.” A disaster is when we pit our petty, small, selfish wills, either as governments or individuals, against the larger pulse of design, against the larger ‘holism’ of seeds and stars.


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