Thought for the Day: Thu Jan 6, 2011

On January 9, 2011, in Star-Zine, by David Shepard

The Intuitive Mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. ―Albert Einstein

Unofficially, today is “International Astrologers’ Day,” alternatively known as “The Feast of the Epiphany,” the day that commemorates the adoration of the new-born Christ child by the three Wise Men or Astrologers. Across hundreds of miles of desert the Magi traveled following a great Light in the heavens to behold a new Light on earth. What astrologers bring to the table are gifts, the gifts that come to us via our Intuitive Mind: A knowing of the immortality of our Soul (myrrh), a knowing of our Soul’s great Beauty (frankincense), and a knowing our Soul’s great Love (gold). As we entrust our Intuitive Mind to show us the Light within us, we more easily find the Light within others, and eventually we find the Light within the entire world.


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