Thank You For Becoming A Galaxy Member!

You’re now a Galaxy member! Please fill out the registration box on the right to complete your final steps in the registration process. Now that you’re a Galaxy member you have the ability to enjoy…

  • Thought for the Day
    A daily Astrological blog/newsletter exploring
    a theme or topic related to the time in which we
    live, Renaissance-2. Written to inspire, inform and
    invoke reflection.
  • Your Daily Horoscope
    Twelve snapshots of the energy and focus for
    each day, presented by Sun Sign. Intended to
    help you align to your Soul, your luck and your
    goals. Read all twelve to gain insight into friends,
    family and the world.
  • Experiencing Your Soul at the End of Time
    A year-long Webinar exploring your Soul’s Anatomy, Artistry, and Alchemy, in light of the ‘New Astrology,’ R|2, and many ‘End-of-Time scenarios. This series includes over 40 archived Video recordings, as well as 40 live, online discussions to which you’re invited to view and participate in by sharing your thoughts and questions..
  • An Astrological Reading
    1 Free Reading per year ($200 Value)Please contact me via to set up an appointment for your 1 Free Reading upon your request.

I would like to thank you for choosing the Galaxy membership! May this year be a wonderful experience.