Cancer Weekly: Sep 09 – Sep 15, 2012

On September 9, 2012, in Cancer, by David Shepard

Sunday Sep 09, 2012   
Wireless communication is not the end of the road.  Humanity will continue to improve upon our ways of linking and sharing; we’ll be soon be entering new realms of shared consciousness.   Cancer’s emotional sensitivity is a forerunner of the ‘felt’ interdependencies to come.  Today, you in$pire someone important with your business idea, perhaps for a home-based venture.  Familiar places and power circles are where you shine, and forge deeper ties with those who count.


Monday Sep 10, 2012   
By being around like-minded people today, you clarify your vision.  Transcendent experiences need to be tested and validated via communication.  One of the greatest discoveries of modern philosophy is the interdependency of perception and communication.  An entertainment venue or romantic setting and overtone fan the flames and spark an amor’s passions now.  This is an exceptional time for rapport-building and a creative breakthrough.  Your popularity takes wing.


Tuesday Sep 11, 2012   
What you’ve recently “discovered” needs to be discussed, tested through an intellectual exchange, and then “exteriorized.” This implies the act of dealing with those who are still unaware of the new knowledge or realization. A public is needed, and it has to be convinced; its inertial resistance to change has to be overcome. Today, this requires an emotional dramatization of the issues at stake.  A trip or visit and your enthusiastic presentation connect you to money or bargains.  Your keen ESP points to thrifty ways to beautify your home or make a fresh beginning.  News you get wind of about someone near and dear is delightful.


Wednesday Sep 12, 2012    
Thinking too much about the past prevents change.  Today, you’re going through an intense mental metamorphosis, a scenario of caterpillar into butterfly in the realm of the mind.  Old emotional wounds are becoming bold new concepts and intellectual formulations through which knowledge can take flight.   Your income prospects are on the rise.  A job talk, duty or offer could exceed your expectations.  Positive sign$ surround your residence and family, too!  A jobmate’s timely health tip is like gold.


Thursday Sep 13, 2012       
Individuals who have entered into a new realm of activity, spiritual Soul-work, usually find themselves alienated from their social environment. In a sense they “live in the world’ but “are not of the world.”  Today, you’re a bit of a “stranger in a strange land.”   Your calls, short trips and brainstorming solidify a lucky launch or finale for a project.  A new idea terminates a creative block, and gets you off on the right foot.  Best of all is a last-minute love message, or a hunch that leads to a sure-thing risk.


Friday Sep 14, 2012   
All cyclic manifestations of the human mind have had a primordial revelatory Source. Today, take a wild stab at getting in contact with this Source and acquiring what might be called seed knowledge.   The dynamic energy and creative input you bring to a group effort is awesome and makes everybody look good.  Gamble on your creative ideas now—a partner confirms they’re brilliant.  Accelerating your pace and communications gets a project done and turns up good news about a pending plan.  Info you dig up on the Internet gives a risk promise.  A love message triggers a breakthrough now.


Saturday Sep 15, 2012       New Moon in Virgo       
A difficult situation in which there’s been much waste is beginning to change for the better. Your power is returning, and it’s now possible to shape situations to your liking via assimilation of new resources.  By enlisting and insisting on co-operation, opposing forces come together for mutual benefit.  The artistic touches you add to a domestic project work wonders.  And, a family issue from the past is resolved after you share from your heart.  Keep in mind, lighthearted fun is just what the doctor ordered.


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